Ant-infested retro Dreamcast controller horrifies the internet

Dreamcast controller infested with antsYouTube

An Australian retro gaming collector uncovered a nightmarish situation when he discovered his Dreamcast controller housed a nest of ants.

Many fans of retro hardware and consoles go to great lengths to ensure their consoles, games, and accessories are kept in good shape. Even so, the unexpected can still happen, which seemed to be the case for one collector when he discovered an unpleasant surprise lurking within his Dreamcast controller.

Australian YouTuber and restorer of vintage hardware RyanUkAus keeps some of his collection of retro hardware inside his workshop where he also films many of his videos.

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As spotted by TimeExtension, Ryan was performing a fairly standard clean and tidy of one of his desk spaces when he moved a Dreamcast controller, which prompted a swarm of Australian black house ants to scurry out from where they had been nesting inside the controller.

Horrified, Ryan did what he could to get rid of the ants that were now covering his work table. Then he plucked up the coverage to open up the controller and found that the ants had indeed turned the controller into a nest, complete with larvae.

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Infested controller gets revived

Ryan speculated in a video he posted about the incident that something sweet may have been spilled on the controller at some point, and the enticing scent of sugar had attracted the insects inside.

After considering his options, Ryan opted to give the ants the option to depart willingly, and took the controller outside and left it near some leaves which would make a better home for the colony. Amazingly, the ants took the opportunity and departed into the undergrowth along with their larvae.

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Following the unexpected cooperation of the ants, Ryan was then able to clean the controller and return it to working condition.

Comments on Ryan’s video include: “So wholesome seeing the ants cleaning up after themselves”, followed by the more suitable “New fear unlocked”. Lastly, one user simply said “BURN IT” in response to the colony of ants living inside the pad.

This is not the first time that creepy crawlies have caused damage to electronics, as proven by the ants who infested a PC gamer’s CPU. Gaming fans in areas with a large number of insects might want to check that nothing has crawled its way inside your hardware. Thankfully, the Helldivers don’t need to be called in to deal with these particular bugs.

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