Starfield player murders an NPC scot-free with a mop bucket

starfield dead npcReddit: Future_Yam_185/ Bethesda

A Starfield player has discovered a new way to get away with murder completely scot-free, using only an incredibly lethal mop bucket.

Bethesda’s sci-fi RPG Starfield lets players live out their wildest dreams. Whether that be exploring the furthest regions of space, taking down any baddy that comes your way, or just gaslighting NPCs so hard they forget who they even are.

Of course, you don’t always need to play the hero when running around in Starfield. Players can skulk around, yoink items from NPCs, or even downright murder if they’re feeling up to it. That being said, these all come at the cost of the law, with many NPCs not too keen on having their life taken.

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However, it seems players have discovered a new way to get away with murder in broad daylight, and all it requires is a trusty mop bucket.

Starfield player gets a clean kill on an NPC using a mop bucket

User Future_Yam_185 discovered the true weakness of NPCs. No, It’s not brutal melee weaponry, nor is it powerful guns, it’s the mighty mop bucket.

Yam was tired of listening to the Neon Security harp on about the Va’ruun Zealots out in space, so they decided to take matters into their own hands. Picking up an interactable mop bucket, they were able to continuously donk the NPC with it. For some reason, they would recoil like they were taking damage each time they were hit, but wouldn’t aggro or comment on it.

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With one final swing Yam was able to take down the NPC who keeled over in a hilarious manner. Yam laughed maliciously whilst standing over the corpse before rummaging around the body for anything lootable.

It seems like there are plenty of ways to avoid the law in Starfield, and with more players exploring the world each day, there are bound to be plenty more strategies that crop up.