Starfield exploration criticized as identical bases found next to each other

starfield silent runnerBethesda

Starfield players have been criticizing the game’s overall exploration, with a user starting a discussion showing two identical buildings next to each other on one planet. 

Starfield sports an enormous universe that invites you to get lost in. You can build your own ship how you want, and become captain of your crew throughout the stars. Where you take yourself and explore is largely up to you.

There’s a lot of choice in where to go too. Starfield sports over 1000 planets with a good percentage being exploreable. You can find various biomes across these planets too, each having their own distinct layout. 

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However, with all that, actually exploring for yourself can be a drag. There aren’t great rewards, and if you do it enough, you’ll begin to see the seams of how Starfield is constructed. 

Seeing double while searching the stars

This was noticed by one Starfield player in an extreme example. In a Reddit thread with over 2.5k upvotes, user Gameslave_Timmy shared a video of them exploring a planet. In it, they show off two buildings not particularly far from each other that use the same layout.

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This kind of reuse of the building has been breaking the illusion for many. The poster says: “It’s bad enough we already see the same PoI’s but the game has nothing in place to prevent them from spawning next to each other”.

Others have concurred, saying, “My biggest gripe with these; where’s all the people?” They continued: “You’re also not gonna tell me big companies build these facilities and just up and left all the equipment there?”

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Another said, that these structures’ use of the exact same contents was a dealbreaker for them. “My biggest gripe is that all the ‘unique’ stuff inside of them is all the same in each of them. You can find the same dead miner in the pharma mine on each one, with the same letter, or the same datapads.”

Of course, it’s impossible to expect Bethesda to hand-curate locations across the entirety of 1000 planets. Reusing assets is inevitable and understandable. However, it seems if you go out exploring across all these planets, you’re bound to run into these more than you might like. 

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