Woman goes viral after paying for coach to humiliate boyfriend at Smash Bros

Couple fight in smash ultimateNintendo/freepik

A woman is going viral on Reddit after she paid for a coach to help her train to finally beat her boyfriend in Super Smash Bros.

Despite being a party game, Smash Bros has a thriving competitive scene and, as it turns out, that competition can erupt into feuds between couples. Vicious, brutal Smash feuds.

In a post on Reddit’s “AmITheA**hole” subreddit, a user explained how during Christmas vacation at her boyfriend’s parents’ they began playing Smash Bros on an older console, suggestively an N64 or GameCube.

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After she was beaten badly at him by the game and told her, “you could play for years and never beat me” she decided to get even by practicing super hard and even paying for a coach.

A couple’s Smash feud went too far.

Woman hires coach so she can beat boyfriend in Smash

The user went on to explain how she researched videos on how to play and started figuring out how to play online in preparation for her coaching.

“I did a crazy intensive coding bootcamp to get the job I have now, as I didn’t study programming in school. So I immediately hired the best Smash Bros coach I could find (never thought these even existed until I looked) and they were surprisingly cheap,” she said.

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According to the rising Smash prodigy, she would practice what her coach taught her when her boyfriend was at work. Then, when she put her skills to the test, she performed much better.

“Within weeks we were playing close matches, and within a month I was beating him. I could tell he was getting more and more frustrated. He’d force me to play until he won one, or make excuses. Honestly, I started losing on purpose sometimes to spare his feelings,” she blasted.

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“In one of our more intense sessions, he threw his controller and yelled at me, and I replied ‘you could train for years and never beat me’ and he wouldn’t speak to me all night. To be fair, I did gloat a lot.”

However, when her boyfriend found out about her secret coaching, he was furious, leading her to eventually create the Reddit post asking if she was an a**hole.

Mario vs PikachuNintendo
Smash can get really intense.

“Apparently it’s f**ked up’ I hid this and paid money only to humiliate him, and it’s been so frustrating it’s even affecting him at work,” she added. “He demands I apologize and refuses to play Smash with me anymore, and is extra annoying anytime he beats me in the other stuff we play together. So Reddit, AITA for secretly training and beating him?”

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So far, users think that the anonymous Smash was in the right and find it hilarious that he would get so mad. However, some others believe the two are in the wrong for taking a video game so seriously.