Sonix defeats MKLeo to win Cr1tikal & Alpharad’s Smash Ultimate major


Smash pro ‘Sonix’ was victorious at the first major of ‘The Quarantine Series’, bringing home $4,000 of the $10,000 pot.

This tournament was the first official major in a set of online brackets hosted by popular community content creators Jacob ‘Alpharad’ Rabon and Charlie ‘Cr1tikal’ White.

In stark contrast to last week’s Pound Online tournament, which played host to over 5,100 entrants, this week’s major was an invite-only event that featured 128 of the best players from the professional scene.

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Twitter: @MoistCr1TiKaL
Sonix defeated MkLeo in the tournament’s Grand Finals

En route to his tournament victory, Sonix defeated notable names such as Team SoloMid’s Gavin ‘Tweek’ Dempsey.

In the Grand Finals, Sonix defeated longtime top-tier Smash player Leonardo ‘MkLeo’ Lopez. This marked his first-ever win over MkLeo despite the both of them entering in several tournaments together since the professional Smash scene moved online.

And while a victory in an online setting might pale in comparison to an in-person win, the talent at this tournament still rivaled that of any S-tier supermajor.

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Next week, the online scene is going to open back up to the entire community as Smash legend Juan ‘Hungrybox’ Debiedma will be hosting a 8,192 entrant tournament in partnership with New York Jets star Le’Veon Bell.

This announcement comes in tandem with the recent news that EVO 2020 is going to be moving into an online format, leaving the Smash Ultimate community without its most recognizable tournament this year.

Keep in mind that most tournament organizers are making an effort to move their events online in wake of the ongoing global situation. EVO is expected to join other Smash majors in an attempt to be played by way of the internet later this year.

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While the Smash community transitions into online play, it’s not like there’s a lack of tournaments to choose from. If anything, the sudden shift to online is making the game more accessible as a whole, considering that entry to a large majority of these events is completely free.

Although there’s a gaping hole where in-person Smash tournaments used to be, that’s not to say that there still isn’t a decent amount of content to find, and WiFi tournaments to play in. Now more than ever, the Smash community is at its easiest to get into.

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