Smash Ultimate casters steal the show at Genesis 7 with epic rap battle

Twitch: BTSummit

Super Smash bros casters Phil ‘EE’ Visu and Terrence ‘TKbreezy’ Kershaw devised a pretty impressive way to fill on their broadcast while waiting for games to get underway at Genesis 7, taking each other on in an impromptu rap battle. 

When it comes to delays during esports broadcasts, casters and analysts are sometimes thrown right into the deep and forced to fill a certain amount of time. Some broadcasts will give them a break and toss it to commercials, or a waiting screen, while others will leave it solely up to the talent. 

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If they’ve missed something in their pre-game build-up that they can use as a talking point then they have the opportunity to drag out the delay with a drawn-out conversation. However, with a delay at the huge gaming event of Genesis 7, EE and TKBreezy took things to a whole new and impressive level.

An image from Nintendo's Super Smash Bros.Nintendo
Smash tournaments have produced some of the best moments in esports history.

During the January 25 portion of the Smash event, the popular casting duo had been waiting for another match of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate singles tournament to get underway. In their delay, the pair plugged all of the other streams that fans could watch and praised the event itself before running out of filler material.

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As luck would have it, a pretty catchy beat started playing in the background so they decided to face off in an impromptu rap battle – taking shots at each other – though it was EE who sent his casting partner into laughter.

“Wow, really came at my head. TK said I can’t spit, now you looking dead. When I go off, sound the alarm, code red, bout to put your ass right to bed,” he clapped back before setting off into a bout of laughter himself.

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They even joked about having to waste time as the camera switched from them to show that the next match was getting ready. “We gotta fill, we gotta fill, we gotta fill!” TKBreezy called out. 

Thankfully for them, the match between DTM and ScAtt got underway without a hitch and the caster could go back to doing what they do best – entertaining fans with their Smash commentary.