PlatinumGames founder reveals four characters he wants in Smash Ultimate

Wonder Red from Wonderful 101 in SmashPlatinumGames

Hideki Kamiya, the founder of PlatinumGames, was recently asked which characters he would like to see make an appearance in Nintendo’s flagship fighter, Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Kamiya is a former Capcom developer who founded PlatinumGames in 2006. His career has led him to work on some of gaming’s most iconic franchises such as Devil May Cry, Resident Evil and even voicing the character of Godot in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Trials and Tribulations.

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During an interview with GameXplain, Kamiya was asked if he could have one character in Super Smash Bros, who would it be.

“It could be any character,” the interviewer clarified.

Viewtiful Joe main menu screenCapcom
Viewtiful Joe is one of the most popular GameCube games.

Kamiya wasted no time and rounded off four characters he believes Masahiro Sakurai should consider adding as DLC.

“You gotta put Joe in there,” the game director stated, referencing 2003’s side-scrolling GameCube beat em up, Viewtiful Joe.

The next character he named was Okami’s Amaterasu – the white wolf that Kamiya even designed himself. The game has been released on the Wii and Nintendo Switch so it has a bit of a history with Nintendo consoles – somewhat of a prerequisite for being in Smash. (Segment starts at 9:05 for mobile viewers)

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“Have Leo put in there,” he continued, most likely referring to Leonhardt ‘Leo’ Victorion from Anarchy Reigns. That said, it’s quite unlikely that Leo gets the call as Anarchy Reigns never released on a Nintendo console.

Finally, he mentioned Wonder Red from The Wonderful 101. This game was originally released on the Wii U and had a Remastered version on the Switch, so this one is certainly in the realm of possibility.

That all said, after naming off the characters, Kamiya joked that Smash would be “more my game at that point.”

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Amaterasu from OkamiCapcom
Amaterasu is an extremely popular protagonist.

Out of all the characters the game director named off, it’s probably most likely that Viewtiful Joe ends up becoming Smash DLC at some point, considering the game’s legacy as part of the Capcom 5 on GameCube.

In any case, we’ll have to wait and see what happens. The five remaining DLC fighters for Smash’s Fighters Pass Volume 2 have already been decided, but it’s always possible we could be getting a third pass in the future. If we do, there’s a chance for Joe, Amaterasu or any of the characters Kamiya named to be part of it.

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