Hungrybox and Daniel Cormier make ridiculous $10,000 Smash Bros bet

Daniel Cormier and Hungrybox betTwitch/MonsterEnergy

Super Smash Bros pro Juan ‘Hungrybox’ Debiedma and UFC legend Daniel Cormier agreed to one of the most insane money matches of all time while inside of a makeshift Octagon.

During a special Monster Energy Drink stream featuring Hungrybox, Daniel Cormier, and Brandon Moreno fighting each other in UFC 4, Hbox laid down the gauntlet in a different game — one that he happens to be considered a God in.

As Moreno beat up on Hungrybox in UFC 4, the Smash pro challenged the two to beat him in Smash and see who would have the last laugh.

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Not one to back away from a challenge, Cormier didn’t hesitate to accept — despite never even playing Smash before in his life!

“I’ll play you,” Cormier quickly agreed.

“I’ll go one life to ten lives,” the confident Hungrybox added, giving DC a glorious opportunity to snatch a victory.

“There’s no way you’ll beat me 10-1 odds!” Cormier slammed. “And I’ve never played the game before.”

Hungrybox, however, decided to give Cormier time to prepare, moving the challenge to whenever the next Monster stream would be.

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The former UFC Heavyweight champion still refused to back down, reiterating that there was no way Hungrybox would be able to take ten of his lives in a row despite not even knowing how Smash works.

“Basically, if you kill me once I lose. I’ll put money on it,” Hbox explained his proposition in simple terms, which just seemed to infuriate Cormier more. “Ten grand?”

Moreno’s face was stunned as Cormier accepted the $10,000 bet instantly and shook on it, confirming the wager. On top of this, Hungrybox even proposed that if Cormier could win ten games in a row, he’d up the best to a whopping $100,000.

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Amusingly, when Cormier suggested they also bet on UFC 4, the Jigglypuff main turned it down right away, claiming that he’d “lose every game in a row.”

It’s not clear when the two will duke it out in Smash, or if it’ll be played in Melee or Ultimate, but we can’t wait to see what happens when Cormier and Hbox duke it out with some big money on the line.