Huge Japanese Smash Ultimate poll reveals players’ most loved & hated fighters

Smash Ultimate fighters box cover artNintendo

An enormous new poll out of Japan has revealed which Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighters are the most popular – and it may be a telling sign on who gets included in the next game.

The poll, which was conducted by the Netorabo Survey Team, received nearly 20,000 votes… and the results are quit telling.

According to the poll, fans were surveyed between March 27 and April 10, 2021, so players had ample time to test out the latest DLC in Pyra and Mythra for themselves.

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Despite what could be considered recency bias, the Xenoblade duo dominated the poll with a whopping 1,318 votes. Could this suggest that the next Smash title will include more Xenoblade fighters?

Pyra and Mythra pose in SmashNintendo
Pyra and Mythra were are the most popular fighters.

Surprisingly, Ganondorf was a distant second with 982 votes. Still, it’s quite a shocker for the Zelda antagonist to be ranked so highly. This is probably a good indication that another Zelda fighter would be a welcome addition to the cast.

Not far behind the Demon King is Persona’s Joker with 963 votes. In an interesting DLC trend, Byleth, Terry Bogard, Hero and Sephiroth are all included in the top ten, indicating that those fighters were all strong additions to the roster.

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Speaking of Sephiroth, his nemesis Cloud is ranked sixth and has 554 votes. It’s clear that the Final Fantasy duo was a very strong inclusion to the game.

Sephiroth attacks CloudNintendo
Sephiroth and Cloud each made the top 10.

Not all of the DLC fighters received as many votes, though; both the Western characters in the form of Steve and Banjo received just 124 and 167 votes respectively.

While those two are far from last place, it does go to show there is a significant disconnect between the fandoms when it comes to the East and the West.

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That said, the two are still ranked higher than ARMS’ Min Min, who only received 101 tallies.

Banjo in Smash UltimateNintendo
Banjo and Steve aren’t as popular with Japanese fans.

The fighter with the lowest votes, however, actually happens to be Diddy Kong with a mere 28. This is followed by Mii Swordfighter with 43, Daisy at 48, Olimar with 49, Peach with 52, and only 55 votes for Dr Mario.

Given the results of this poll, it will be interesting to see if it impacts the roster for the next Smash game or any potential DLC if we ever see a third fighters pass.

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