Crash Bandicoot tops huge Super Smash Bros poll as most-requested fighter in new game

smash ultimate crash master chief pollYouTube/Nintendo/SourceGaming

Crash Bandicoot has beaten out Halo’s Master Chief and Dante from Devil May Cry to be the most-requested fighter for the next Super Smash Bros game after Ultimate.

Smash Ultimate broke the internet with its numerous incredible fighter reveals ending with Sora from Kingdom Hearts joining the roster, but fans have even higher hopes for the next game.

Nintendo has yet to confirm that a new Smash game is in development, but whether it’s a completely new entry or a third Fighters Pass for Ultimate, fans want Crash to enter the fray.

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A “mega” Smash Ultimate poll conducted by Source Gaming had over 2000 entries with players submitting ballots ranking their three most-requested fighters. To no one’s surprise, Crash beat out everyone.

Smash Ultimate poll reveals most-requested fighters

Source Gaming ranked ballots with players’ first choice being worth 3 points while second was worth 2 and third only valued at 1. With 556 points total, Crash was the clear winner.

As a default Sony mascot during the original PlayStation era, it would be amazing to have Crash be able to duke it out with Nintendo’s Mario and Sega’s Sonic for 90s supremacy.

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Coming in second was Kirby’s Bandana Waddle Dee followed by Phoenix Wright and then Waluigi for fourth. Rayman is the final potential fighter to gain over 400 points, rounding out the top 5.

Given the aforementioned characters’ history on Nintendo, they all have good chances of making the cut for a new Smash game. However, the same can’t be said for the sixth-place star, Halo’s Master Chief.

Smash players want Master Chief in next game

Master Chief has been someone the Halo devs actually want to see make it into Ultimate, so perhaps it may not be as impossible as some think, but with representation on a Nintendo console, it could be a challenge.

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Super Mario RPG’s Geno, Isaac from Golden Sun, DMC’s Dante, Doom Slayer, Dr. Eggman, and Shantae round out the top 12.

Smash Ultimate Fighters Pass Volume 3Nintendo
Could there ever be a Fighters Pass Volume 3?

If Nintendo were to release a 3rd Fighters Pass using the top six candidates on this poll and another for the final 12, we could have an even more impressive DLC roster.

Geno, Dante, Shantae, Isaac, and Doom Slayer all have Mii costume outfits in Ultimate, so there’s a good chance they get promoted to full fighter in the next game.

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Of course, there’s no telling what Nintendo plans to do with the Smash franchise going forward, but the company may want to look at this poll when deciding the roster for a future installment.

Did any of your top choices not make the top 12? Be sure to check out Source Gaming for the full results and see where your dream fighter landed.