Summit1g shows best way to complete Sea of Thieves Athena Fort

Jaryd ‘Sea of Thieves and he’s proven that once again by raiding the Athena Fort in around ten minutes. 

Rare have added a number of different quests to their multiplayer pirate game since the arrival of the Anniversary update back in April, with raids being made available to players. Those who are successful, of course, get the chance to take home with them a number of the world’s most elusive items. 

During a live broadcast on his Twitch channel, summit and his teammates steered their Galleon towards the Fort of the Damned, which is protected by a number of resident skeletons and a raid boss.

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RareThere’s a lot up for grabs in the Fort of the Damned challenge.

In this case, that skeleton boss was called the Ghost of Graymarrow and boy could he take some shots to the body! Absorbing shotgun bullet after shotgun bullet, the Ghost laughed back at the team as they tried to take him down. 

With so many skeletons in the area, it wouldn’t be a shock to see summit or his teammates taken down by a flood of melee attacks. 

A quick trick that he decided to show viewers, though, involved him taking cannon balls from the island, back to the ship, and then firing at the boss from there – which worked a treat.

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After taking down the characters protecting the island, their treasures were exposed and summit looted it all up – collecting a number of Stronghold chests and skulls. These items can sell for between 1,500-4,000 pieces of gold in the game. 

The most important find, though, was an Athena chest. They can easily offload this for between 3,000 to 9,000 coins. He said: “How fast did we crack that? Like ten minutes?” 

Once the mission was complete and the doors opened, revealing a number of different goodies for the team to collect, it was clear that this would be a big payday for the crew. 

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Sea of Thieves FandomAthena Chests are what every Sea of Thieves player dreams of finding.

How to play Sea of Thieves’ Fort of the Damned mission

When this challenge was first added to the game in October, Sea of Thieves’ development team added a brief video to their official YouTube channel – showing how to start the mission, what’s up for grabs and much more. 

If you would like to find out the finer details of this mission, check out the video below. 

A tip for players wanting to take on this Fort of the Damned challenge is to try to take a spare Ritual Skull with you to the location. 

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Once you have completed the mission, simply use the skull to do it all over again. Double the loot, double your money!