The Traitors UK Series 2: Meet the contestants

Claudia from The Traitors UKBBC

The Traitors UK Series 2 is set to air January 3 and the full cast lineup was revealed by BBC. Meet the players who are joining this season.

The hit psychology thriller game show is back once again with Claudia Winkleman as the host and 22 new faces for us to get to know.

BBC announced details of the new contestants on 2 January, a day before the airing of The Traitors UK Series 2. The players will be placed in a beautiful castle in the Scottish Highlands to devise their own murder mystery.

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The traitors team will be up against the faithfuls for a grand prize of £120,000. Here is the list of all the players along with their basic details.

Who is taking part in The Traitors UK Series 2?


Andrew The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Andrew The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 45

Job title: Insurance Broker

Location: Talbot Green

Andrew is joining the game because he wants to step outside his comfort zone. He said: “I’ve been a Steady Eddy all my life I suppose, never taking any risks or challenges.”


The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Anthony The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 45

Job title: Chess Coach

Location: Birmingham

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Anthony describes himself as someone empathetic and emotionally mature. He decided to join the show because it fit his personality. He said, “I thought to myself – this has me written all over it! It’s like a real-life live game of chess.”


Ash The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Ash The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 45

Job title: Events Coordinator

Location: London

Ash, who is an avid traveler, joined The Traitors because she wants to give herself a taste for adventure. She said, “I’m quite an adaptable, resilient person because of everything that I’ve done, everywhere I’ve been, and all the people that I’ve met. I think I’ll be really good at keeping my composure. “

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Aubrey The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Aubrey The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 67

Job title: Retired Shop Owner

Location: Loughborough, Leicestershire

Aubrey is on the show to prove to himself that he is not too old to try out completely new experiences. He said, “My game plan is to get on with everyone and to try and befriend everyone.” 


Brian The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Brian The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 33

Job title: Photographer

Location: Glasgow

Brian expressed that he would love to be a Traitor because it would give him more control over his fate. He said, “The physical team challenges, like last year’s barrel challenge, I’d be really good at. I’m not necessarily a leader or a follower, I’m kind of in-between.”

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Charlie The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Charlie The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 34

Job title: Mental Health Area Manager

Location: Bristol

Charlie joined The Traitors UK Series 2 because she likes analyzing things and, she thinks that the game was simply made for her. She said, “Everywhere I go I’m constantly thinking, looking at people’s body language, trying to work people out. To the point that sometimes I have to switch off my brain!” 


Charlotte The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Charlotte The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 32

Job title: Recruitment Manager

Location: Warwickshire

Charlotte will be bringing her wit and strategy to the game board. She said: “I think I’m really good at pretending I don’t know what’s going on, when actually, I have a very good idea. I play the ditzy one and I make self-deprecating jokes constantly, and I don’t get embarrassed easily either – which I think is good.”

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Diane The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Diane The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 63

Job title: Retired Teacher

Location: Lancashire

Diane joined The Traitors simply because her students told her she couldn’t. She revealed her game plan and said: “I couldn’t believe that Wilfred managed to stab all his mates in the back, I don’t know if I could do that! But I think the bottom line is you can’t get too close to anyone as you’re going to have to turn on them.”

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Evie The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Evie The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 29

Job title: Veterinary Nurse

Location: Inverness

Evie joined The Traitors while running away from the existential crisis that reaching your 30s brings. She mentioned that her favorite contestant Wilfred. She said, “I thought Wilfred was great! I know he got a lot of hate for backstabbing his fellow Traitors but I thought he was just brilliant.”


Harry The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Harry The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 22

Job title: British Army Engineer

Location: Slough

Similar to Evie, Harry wanted an entirely new experience as he was going through a quarter-life crisis, and being on the game show gave him that. He said: “Every day is a learning curve for me to be honest. I think I’ll bring a chilled-out energy to the group, the one who can escape it all and remember that it’s just a game.”

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Jasmine The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Jasmine The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 26

Job title: Sales Executive

Location: London

Bringing her vibrant and bubbly personality to the show would be Jasmine and she expressed that, if given the chance, she would be an amazing Traitor. She said: ” I work in sales so I’m a professional truth embezzler which is kind of my tagline, and why I wanted to go on to The Traitors. I also think that ultimately, I have the personality to do well.”


Jaz The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Jaz The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 30

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Job title: National Account Manager

Location: Manchester

Jaz plans to play with psychology regardless of what team he gets to be on. He explained to the producers and said, “I think if you go in with a game plan then you won’t last. If I’m a Traitor, I feel as though I’m going to go in with the mindset of a Faithful so people can see my body language, they can see my eye contact, they can see everything about me and go “This guy is a Faithful. So, there’s no point even questioning him.” And that’s it, just take them out one by one.”

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Jonny The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Jonny The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 31

Job title: Ex-Military

Location: Bedfordshire

Jonny described himself as the quiet observer in the crowd, she will be bringing his Sherlock Holmes skills with him on this season of The Traitors. He said, “I’m an observer. I like to sit back and take it all in. I’m very good at reading situations so I have sort of accumulated a few different approaches of what people did in other series.”


Kyra The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Kyra The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 21

Job title: Apprentice Economist

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Location: Kent

The athletic 21-year-old is joining the game show to give her family a really special gift. She said, “The main motivation behind it is that my sister is getting married soon, we come from a lower-class background, and I’d love to win something to help towards her wedding – and hopefully honeymoon.” 


Meg The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Meg The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 22

Job title: Illustrator

Location: Herefordshire

Meg watched the last season and thought that she could easily win it. She joined The Traitors fully prepared for anything that gets thrown her way. She said, “I feel like nothing can prepare you for what they’re going to throw at you, to be honest. They might be like ‘Meg, you’ve got to jump out of a plane now.’ And I’d say ‘Oh my God, ok! Bring it.'”

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Miles The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Miles The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 36

Job title: Veterinary Nurse

Location: Birmingham

Miles will be following in the footsteps of last year’s contestant, Amanda because he admired her game plan. He said, “Just because she was genuine, she was very genuine about what she was doing but did everything she needed to do. That’s exactly what my motto would be if I was in her position.” 


Mollie The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Mollie The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 21

Job title: Disability Model

Location: Bristol

During her interview with the producers, Mollie expressed that she would bring more excitement to the show. She said, “I’m super excitable anyway and looking forward to the missions and stuff. I love an adventure, so I feel like I can really throw myself into those.”

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Paul The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Paul The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 36

Job title: Business Manager

Location: Manchester

This business manager also does comedy on the side and he will bring that along with him on the show. He said, “I think humor is a big one for me. I love comedy, if I could be a comedian that would be my dream job.” 


Ross The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Ross The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 28

Job title: Video Director

Location: Lancashire

The video director had spent a lifetime behind the camera and wanted to feel what being in the spotlight was like. He thinks he would be good at this game because he is good at the Among Us. He said, “I’m also really looking forward to having a break from social media, my phone, work, and the rest of it. It’s a good excuse to tell my business partner that I just can’t work for three weeks, it’s a nice excuse to do that.”

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sonja The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Sonja The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 66

Job title: Volunteer Business Mentor

Location: Lancashire

Sonja also joined The Traitors to challenge herself with a new experience at the age of 66.

The sweet lady is a knitting enthusiast and viewers can expect to see her knit on-screen. She said, “My game plan is to knit my way to the finals. I’m an avid knitter. What I hope to do genuinely is knit while I’m thinking. Also, you can knit recycled fishing nets and recycled plastic bottles, so it’s great for the environment. I actually want to teach some of the other tortured souls how to do a bit of knitting while we’re there too.”

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Tracey The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Tracey The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 58

Job title: Sonographer and Clairvoyant

Location: Inverness

Tracey, being a clairvoyant, attracted plenty of fan attention. She described herself as unique and individualistic. She said, “I think I’ll be quite eccentric, some of my views and the things that I’ve done in life are quite eccentric. I’m very spiritual as well as working for the health service. So, I’m a bit of a weird combination.”


Zack The Traitors UK Series 2BBC
Zack The Traitors UK Series 2

Age: 27

Job title: Parliamentary Affairs Advisor

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Location: London

Lastly, we have Zack, who wishes he wouldn’t be assigned the traitor role because he simply can’t keep a secret. He said, “If I am a Faithful I’ll bring my perception, I’ll bring an understanding of what people are thinking and lies they might be weaving without them really realizing it because of my career.”

To stay updated on The Traitors UK and other reality TV shows, make sure to check our page here.

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