Temptation Island: Marisela makes shocking decision at final bonfire part 1

Marisela from Temptation IslandPeacock

Marisela and Chris have reunited on Temptation Island’s final bonfire part 1. Does Marisela choose to get back with Chris, leave with Kristian, or go home single?

Chris and Marisela were finally reunited in Season 5 episode 10 of Temptation Island. At the bonfire, the couple had to make a big decision about their fate, both as individuals and as a pair.

Were they going to leave the island together as a couple? Or would they be better off going their separate ways?

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All was revealed at the final bonfire part 1, which left fans shocked at Marisela’s ultimate decision.

Marisela had a big choice to make at the final bonfire of Temptation Island

Chris and Marisela were in a tumultuous relationship from the start. Before they even entered the island, their romance was already falling apart. According to Marisela, Chris was incredibly controlling of her throughout their relationship, which left her in a terrible state.

“I felt like I had no voice,” Marisela admitted to Chris at the bonfire. “You took that voice away from me many times. I was depressed and I had very low self-esteem.”

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Fortunately, her time spent away from Chris while on the island has given Marisela enough perspective so she could learn to love herself again. “Just allowing myself to accept myself with all of my differences has been so freeing,” she said. “I’ve never felt this good.”

While in the villa, Marisela developed a romantic connection with one of the singles on the island, Kristian. Yet instead of leaving the island with Kristian or Chris, Marisela chose to leave the island by herself.

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“More than anything, I’ve learned that I come first, and I have to love myself before I even have the ability to love anyone else,” she said. “I’m leaving the island on my own.”

Fans were thrilled at Marisela’s decision and couldn’t be happier about her journey towards self-love.

“Marisela was my absolute favorite journey!” one fan wrote on the

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” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>official Instagram page. “She stayed true to herself and found the answers she was looking for! I hope she NEVER forgets how beautiful she is… inside and out.”

Another agreed, writing, “I’m so proud of her for finding herself and leaving the island alone. I wish her nothing but happiness. She truly deserves it.”

Even her fellow cast mates chimed in, with Kaitlin writing, “@mariselafgueroa is freaking glowing and she deserves all the happiness! Love you, girl.” 

Keep watching Temptation Island on the USA Network to see where the other couples end up.