Southern Charm viewers accuse Shep Rose of animal cruelty after Season 9 scene

Shep from Southern CharmBravo

Shep Rose is being critiqued by the Southern Charm fanbase for feeding his dog a whole bunch of human food.

When it comes to reality TV shows, viewers are watching every single detail in each and every scene.

And because there is hardly anything that fans don’t clock, when they do see something questioning, they instantly bring it to someone’s attention.

This just happened a few days ago with Craig Conover, one of the stars of Southern Charm Season 9. He was seen with what resembled a beer can while he was driving, leading people to assume that he was drinking and driving.

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The reality TV star quickly defended himself and revealed that it was a non-alcoholic beverage. Now that that misunderstanding has been squashed, there is a whole new issue that the ninth-season viewers have just noticed.

Shep Rose from Southern CharmBravo

What did Southern Charm’s Shep Rose do in Season 9?

On January 3, Bravo released a sneak peek clip of the Season 9 finale on YouTube.

In the video, Shep Rose was seen feeding his adorable dog what looked like several pieces of shredded cheese and pepperoni.

Fuming at his choice to feed his dog human food, and lots of it, viewers quickly went to Reddit to let him have it.

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One fan wrote, “I’m sorry, did Shep really just feed his dog a whole f***ing cheese pizza in that bowl? I’m all for giving my dog an occasional bit of “human food” but that was like a cup of cheese and 2 pieces of pepperoni. It’s almost like he treats his dog’s health the same way he treats his own.”

Another fan chimed in and wrote, “French bulldogs have issues swallowing too. When I moved in with my boyfriend he had one and you have to be so careful about everything.”

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Shep hasn’t publicly addressed the scene as of yet.

To stay updated on Southern Charm and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.