Love is Blind: Here’s why Izzy Zapata’s Instagram comments are still limited


After starring on a reality TV show like Love is Blind, social media users are going to tell you what they think of you. That is exactly what’s been happening to Izzy Zapata from Season 5.

Season 5 of Love is Blind might be over, but the conversation surrounding the show and cast members has yet to die down. Izzy Zapata was one of the memorable contestants on the show.

Originally, he signed up because he was looking for love. In fact, he was so interested by the prospect of finding love that he was willing to marry a total stranger without laying eyes on her first.

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Although he made down to the aisle with Stacy Snyder, things ultimately didn’t work out for the duo. As of now, his comments on Instagram have been completely disabled. He isn’t allowing any new comments in. Here’s the likely reason why.

Izzy Zapata has been receiving loads of backlash Instagram

Aside from the Instagram posts that Izzy is a collaborator on, anything he’s posted from his own account has disabled comments. Only a select few comments were able to slide through before he turned them off – and a lot of the messages from fans have been pretty negative.

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The most obvious reasons for all this backlash is the temporary love triangle he was caught in with Stacy and Johnie Maraist. While everyone was still in the pods, Izzy seemed enamored by Johnie’s voice and energy.

But when she opened up about a devastating heartbreak she endured in the past, he completely shut down on her. He dumped her and decided to pursue his connection with Stacy.

When Stacy and Izzy seemingly snapped at Johnie during the barbecue episode, it caused a lot of viewers start questioning Izzy’s integrity and honesty.

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Another topic people have been judging Izzy about is his finances. His credit score, job title, desire to go 50/50 on bills with Stacy, and current debt status were hot topics of conversation throughout Season 5.

He hard launched his new relationship on Instagram with a woman named Shelby Webb on October 17, 2023. Of course, the comments have been limited on that post like the others.

It’s obvious that he doesn’t love the incoming wave of opinions that have been flooding in from Love is Blind viewers online. It’s unclear when Izzy’s comment section will be turned back on – if ever.

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