Kitchen Nightmares fans convinced Gordon Ramsay doesn’t save restaurants

Gordon Ramsay from Kitchen NightmaresFOX

Now that Kitchen Nightmares Season 8 is finished airing on Fox Network, fans are sharing their opinions about Gordon Ramsay’s aptitude.

The unfortunate reality of Kitchen Nightmares is that the majority of restaurants featured on the show don’t end up surviving.

Is Gordon Ramsay the person who’s actually to blame, though? Some fans of the show are starting to think so.

Other Kitchen Nightmares viewers don’t agree that it’s Gordon’s fault when a restaurant goes under.

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Is it Gordon Ramsay’s fault when restaurants fail?

According to Reality TV Updates, Kitchen Nightmares has a success rate of 21%. To be more specific, 66 of the restaurants Gordon’s visited are permanently closed as of 2023.

In total, Gordon’s visited 84 restaurants — which means these stats obviously aren’t great. A Reddit thread has been launched to discuss whether or not this problem falls on Gordon’s shoulders.

The person who started the thread wrote, “I don’t think Gordon legitimately helped a single restaurant this season… I don’t think I saw a single issue or roadblock thoughtfully addressed.”

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Fans of Gordon aren’t so quick to place the blame on him for the way things turn out.

One Redditor said, “Some of these owners clearly have no business sense and are destined to fail. I don’t care how good your food is, if you’re $2 mil in debt like J Willy’s or leveraged your house against your failing business, you’re f***ed.”

Another user added, “Can a restaurant expert really help some of these people? At some point willful ignorance is on these people. and not even Gordon is enough for a reality check….”

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A third person joined the conversation to say, “Exactly. He gives them the tools they need to succeed and points them back in the right direction, but ultimately they need to do it themselves.”

Ultimately, it appears that most Kitchen Nightmares fans are in agreement that restaurant owners are the reason their establishments don’t survive – and Gordon shouldn’t catch so much flack.