Gordon Ramsay’s most disgusting Kitchen Nightmares discoveries


Kitchen Nightmares has always been full of wild surprises and shocking moments. These were some of Gordon Ramsay’s most foul and unpleasant discoveries.

It’s undeniably true that Gordon Ramsay holds restaurants and their back house kitchens to high standards. He wants to ensure that all the food being served to guests is totally clean, healthy, and untainted.

Whenever he makes his way through the kitchens of various restaurants on Kitchen Nightmares, there is always a high possibility he’ll come across something upsetting that lets him down. These are some of the most disgusting Kitchen Nightmares discoveries he’s been faced with so far.

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Uncovered vats of hardened food

Gordon was angered by the sight of multiple vats of hardened food that he discovered at the back of a Mexican food restaurant. He found rock solid burritos, crusty chicken enchiladas, ground beef with layers of dried fat sitting on it, and baked beans that wouldn’t pour.

At one point, Gordon addressed the restaurant clientele and shouted, “Ladies and gentleman! I’m so sorry, but we’re stopping service!”

Frozen duck defrosting in meat juice

The start of this particular Kitchen Nightmares episode was full of tons of complaints from guests who thought the flavor of their meals was lacking. Later on, Gordon discovered a “lethal mistake” in the back house fridge that was more serious than any customer complaints.

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A frozen duck was defrosting in a tray full of raw meat juice! Gordon made sure any guests who were served duck had their plates removed to avoid further contamination.

Grease splattered floor boards

Gordon expressed his true disgust after pushing aside large metal fridges to look over the floorboards during an episode of Kitchen Nightmares. At first glance, this restaurant’s floors weren’t so bad.

After pushing all the furniture out of the way, the truth came out. The floorboards were covered in thick splatters of grease and oil. There were also loads of food bits rotting underneath!

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Expired and moldy pizza

In another shocking episode of Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon found an onslaught of issues inside one diner-style kitchen. Different types of meat were stacked together at the wrong fridge temperature. The bottom level of food racks were covered in inches of old water.

Worst of all, he found several pans of expired and moldy pizza that hadn’t been tossed yet. He yelled at the restaurant owner saying, “Look a the mess of this place! It’s f***ing ridiculous… you’ll kill everybody!”

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