Fans divided over Love Island: All-Stars Season 1 cast lineup


Here’s what fans are saying about the cast lineup for Love Island: All-Stars.

The official cast lineup for Love Island: All-Stars has been released to the public.

At this point, the entire world can weigh in with their opinions about who’s showing up to film these new episodes.

As of now, it seems that social media is divided when it comes to their excitement about this group of singles who are ready to mingle.

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The cast of Love Island: All-Stars has fans divided

A Reddit thread was launched to discuss the Love Island: All-Stars cast, and it’s abundantly clear that not everyone feels the same way about things.

The person who started the thread included a video from their own personal YouTube channel to express his personal opinions.

He explained that there are definitely a few people he’s stoked to see back on screen. One person responded in the Reddit thread to say, “It’s interesting to see different people’s opinions on this.

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“I this lineup is actually quite brilliant, but on here I’m the minority opinion. I’ve noticed that [your] reaction to it is based entirely on which seasons you liked best. If you’re a big S8 person, you tend not to be too excited about this lineup.”

Another person chimed in with their thoughts noting that there aren’t isn’t any representation coming from Season 2.

They wrote, “If you love Season 7 it’s great, any other season, not so much. Casting 4 OG’s from Season 7 as OG’s again in all stars is just ridiculous.”

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As of now, there’s nothing fans can do to change the cast lineup for Love Island: All-Stars. The cast has been decided and it’s too late for changes to be made.

It’s possible the bombshells who join the cast later in the season will make the show more interesting.