Rainbow Six players stage protest against Ubisoft demanding anti-cheat fix

Echo in Rainbow SixUbisoft / BattlEye

Some of Rainbow Six’s top content creators like George ‘KingGeorge’ Kassa are boycotting Ubisoft in an attempt to get the developers to fix the game’s anti-cheat problems, plaguing everyone from casual players to pros.

Rainbow Six’s anti-cheat has been a sore spot for a lot of players ever since it was implemented. BattlEye, the system Ubisoft uses for their tactical FPS, hasn’t been the most reliable.

While Ubisoft has tried to transparent with their systems ⁠— publicly naming-and-shaming players who get caught for cheating ⁠— the anti-cheat has severe flaws.

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So, the community is taking a stand. Led by former world champion turned streamer KingGeorge, Rainbow Six players are staging a protest by not buying any in-game items until they get an adequate fix to the anti-cheat.

“I’m really disappointed with the cheating problem in Siege. It sometimes makes the game super annoying to play. I still love the game, but it annoys the hell out of me when I’m playing against people who are cheating,” he said.

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KingGeorge’s main problem with Rainbow Six’s anti-cheat is the rollback feature. Ubisoft automatically adjusts players’ ranks when a cheater gets caught, nullifying the games they played in ⁠— win or lose.

“I got 274 ELO rolled back today against cheaters that I beat, and no one that I’ve played with has been banned. I don’t even get to keep the ELO [I get] beating cheaters. The system is bad.

“I personally will not be purchasing any more Rainbow [R6] credits at all… I’ll still be buying stuff with Renown [Rainbow Six’s free currency], but I won’t be buying any Elite skins.”

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KingGeorge’s tweet on the issue has gone viral, with hundreds of players rallying behind him in his protest against Siege’s anti-cheat.

rainbow six siege shotgunUbisoft
Until Siege’s cheating problem is solved, players are vowing to not drop a dime.

Other streamers like Chase ‘YoBoyRoy’ Mason and pros like Maurice ‘AceeZ’ Erkelenz have backed KingGeorge’s efforts to try and shed light on Rainbow Six’s cheating problem.

Ubisoft released a dev blog in February 2021 with an update on their Rainbow Six anti-cheat, highlighting that BattlEye banned a record number of players (91,112) in 2020.

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“We have been working with BattlEye to improve cheat detections in Siege. We will continue to ensure that our partnership with BattlEye has a positive impact on the Rainbow Six Siege community,” they said.

“We are dedicated to making Siege secure and fair for everyone.”