Azami revealed as Rainbow Six Operation Demon Veil defender

Azami in Rainbow Six SiegeUbisoft

Team Rainbow are heading back to Japan to kick off Rainbow Six Year 7 with Azami joining the roster in Operation Demon Veil. The new Japanese defender brings kunai knives to Siege to deploy her signature gadget, the Kiba Barrier.

It’s hardly a surprise if you’ve been chasing the leaks, but Ubisoft has finally confirmed Azami is joining the Rainbow Six roster in Operation Demon Veil as the game’s newest defender to kick off Year 7.

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The Japanese operator, full name Kana Fujiwara, was heavily inspired by private security forces in the country, with a sleek look in all black accentuated by a shining blue blazer with intricate gold art on one side.

Azami in Rainbow Six SiegeUbisoft
Azami is coming to Rainbow Six in Operation Demon Veil.

And, of course, there’s kunai. Sadly players won’t be able to throw knives at enemies at Azami to kill them, but they serve a key purpose in deploying her Kiba Barriers. The first vertical denial in Siege history, Azami can throw them to attach to any surface and block up any breaches. That includes floors and ceilings.

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Weaponry-wise, Azami boasts Kapkan and Tachanka’s 9x19VSN SMG as well as Alibi and Maestro’s ACS12 shotgun as primaries. The D-50 is her only sidearm, while Barbed Wire and Impact Grenades round out her list of secondary gadgets.

Her bio from Harry, the leader of Team Rainbow in-game, remarks on her driven personality.

“It’s incredible to witness the singular focus in which Kana ‘Azami’ Fujiwara has continued her training,” it reads.

“Her determination to bring Yahata’s killers to justice is understandable, and we’ll use every resource we have to help her in her investigation. I can only hope she’ll find new purpose along the way.”

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Azami artwork in Rainbow Six SiegeUbisoft
Azami’s design was heavily inspired by Japanese private bodyguards.

Azami went live on March 15, 2022 as part of Rainbow Six’s Operation Demon Veil. You can find the full patch notes here.