Dr Disrespect explains why PUBG is “way better” than Apex Legends in hilarious rant

Dr Disrespect - Twitch / PUBG / Respawn Entertainment

It appears that Twitch superstar Dr Disrespect‘s affection for Apex Legends is waning on the daily, as he now claims that rival battle royale PUBG is a better game. 

When Apex Legends was first released, Dr Disrespect was one of its biggest backers, often commending Respawn Entertainment for the good job they had done in developing the game.

However, it looks like those days are long gone, as the Doc now apparently prefers PUBG over Apex, a reality that would have seemed unthinkable just a few months ago.  

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In one of his classic rants, the Two-Time broke down the reasons he feels that way, claiming that PUBG is a more fun. tactical, and rewarding experience.

“Battlegrounds is way better than this game by the way, way better,” he said. “Way more gratifying to kill somebody in Battleground, way more rewarding. The feeling of shooting someone. This game is just track system, track and shield, I don’t know. People like it, not me, definitely not me. FUCK!” 

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It wouldn’t be a traditional Dr Disrespect spiel without that him bellowing out a curse word or two at the end, which likely was just him letting out his frustrations with Apex Legends.

He’s been more annoyed with the game than ever recently, after coming across situations that had him on the verge of losing his mind.

His most recent experience came after losing in an intense gunfight against an enemy squad, which had him raging at the over-the-top on-screen graphics and animations of the damage feedback system.

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Not too long before that, he also confessed that he didn’t feel like playing the game as much anymore, claiming that it didn’t satisfy him and that it was headed down a similar path that eventually doomed H1Z1, the most popular battle royale game of its time. 

Dr Disrespect - TwitchThe Doc isn’t really as big of a fan of Apex Legends as he was before, and he’s made that clear on numerous occasions.

While the Doc may not speak for everyone when he says things like this about Apex, it still has to be concerning for Respawn to see someone who was once so fond of their game having had a major turnaround of opinion.

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However, knowing the Two-Time’s tendency to have fluctuating opinions about battle royale games, to say the least, it wouldn’t be surprising to see him trashing PUBG in favor of Apex in the near future.