When to evolve Pokemon to keep them within the Great League CP limit

Pokemon Company

The Great League portion of Pokemon Go’s GO Battle League Season 1 is underway, but a lot of trainers are unsure of the CP limits they can evolve certain species to keep them within the confines of the Great League.

That limit is 1,500 CP which would seem simple enough to follow. If your Pokemon is even one CP over that then it can’t enter.

Unfortunately, though, when preparing a team to win you not only need to keep your Pokemon as close to that limit as possible, but also know the CP increase of when you evolve a particular species. To compete with the best Pokemon Go trainers you need to know the maximum CP of what a monster’s pre-evolved form can be to keep it under 1,500.

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Great League SchedulePokemon Company
The Great League will run until March 27.

You can do this with either a Pokemon Go evolution calculator or by memory. With the latter unlikely, some form of online calculator is your best bet.

With these you can enter in any species from the Pokemon Go Pokedex and its CP, and the calculator will give you the CP range that it can evolve into. It can’t give an exact answer, but it can let you know how far to push it.

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Even then though, you may need to remember it (or do the same calculation again). Doing it for a lot of Pokemon can get tiresome, too.

Great League evolve CP limit

So, instead, we have taken some of the best Pokemon to use in GO Battle Great League and have listed the CP you should evolve them in order to get as close to the 1,500 limit as possible.

These results come from PokeAssistant, and show the CP range a particular Pokemon at a certain CP will evolve into. Firstly, we’ll start with the most frequently used species in GO Battle Great League.

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  • Azurill 304CP – Azumarill 1326 < 1499 > 1779
  • Chikorita 555CP – Meganium 1431 < 1500 > 1588
  • Chinchou 781CP – Lanturn 1455 < 1499 > 1556
  • Cleffa 385CP – Clefable 1398 < 1501 > 1644
  • Croagunk 547CP – Toxicroak 1430 < 1499 > 1588
  • Gastly 914CP – Haunter 1460 < 1500 > 1551
  • Meditite 695CP – Medicham 1435 < 1500 > 1586
  • Mudkip 545CP – Swampert 1437 < 1500 > 1582
  • Shieldon 842CP – Bastiodon 1456 < 1499 > 1556
  • Swablu 587CP – Altaria 1428 < 1501 > 1597

Here are some other less used but still popular Pokemon:

  • Bulbasaur 590CP – Venusaur 1439 < 1499 > 1574
  • Charmander 484CP – Charizard 1427 < 1500 > 1595
  • Squirtle 549CP – Blastoise 1431 < 1501 > 1590
  • Machop 603CP – Machamp 1442 < 1500 > 1573
  • Seel 706CP – Dewgong 1443 < 1500 > 1574
  • Dratini 821CP – Dragonair 1456 < 1500 > 1557
  • Scraggy 882CP – Scrafty 1468 < 1500 > 1541
  • Deino 416CP – Hydreigon 1420 < 1498 > 1598

As we’ve alluded to above these are ranges, so if you want to make sure any monster you evolve is definitely under the CP limit, you’ll need to give more of a gap. Getting your Pokemon right on the CP limit can often cost quite a lot of Stardust, too. So, make sure you focus on just a few species to begin with to make your Great League team.

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