Rookie Pokemon Go trainer shows off insane “beginner’s luck” with crazy Shiny haul in just six days

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One rookie Pokemon Go player shocked the community after sharing the insane Shiny haul they managed after starting their account six days prior.

Some of the rarest Pokemon that trainers can encounter in Pokemon Go are Shinies. These alternately colored monsters are very uncommon, and it takes a long time to gather a collection of them.

However, a rookie Pokemon Go trainer shocked the community after they shared a mind-blowing Shiny haul they amassed just six days after starting their account.

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“I’m a new player, beginners luck right,” the trainer asked after they made a post on the Pokemon Go subreddit.

The thread included multiple screenshots that showed the trainer created their account on March 31, 2024.

The OP included screenshots that showed they’d managed to find Shinies, including Gardevoir, Wailmer, Snorlax, and many more.

On top of that, they caught multiple Raid Shinies like Kartana, Tapu Lele, and even Shadow Entei.

Fans in the comments were dumbfounded at the insane haul, with many congratulating them while wishing they had the same luck.

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“Bro you already have better Pokémon than me,” said one fan, while another said, “You got more Shinies in the last month than I’ve got in a year.”

Others guessed their luck may be due to location more than anything. “My guess is it’s not luck, it’s NYC. That place is just great when it comes to PoGo,” one trainer guessed.

Given that the OP also managed to hit level 27 after just six days, it wouldn’t be a surprise to hear that they lived in a very populated city.

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While many people may dismiss the idea of beginner’s luck, this trainer seems to have something close to it.