Pokemon players demand changes for Pseudo Legendary classification

Dragonite from Pokemon anime.The Pokemon Company

Pseudo Legendaries are one of the most interesting categories of critter in the Pokemon world. Not quite as powerful as Mythical or Legendary Pokemon but still just as popular and iconic, Pseudos have played a huge part in the anime and video games.

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, Pseudo Legendary is a type of Pokemon classification. Pseudos must meet the following criteria:

  • It must be a fully evolved ‘mon from a 3 stage line
  • Its base stats must total 600
  • It must have a slow experience curve

As with any category in the world of Pokemon, many fans feel that their favorite should join the ranks of Pseudo Legendaries or that the category itself needs to be changed – especially with a new game on the horizon.

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This popped up in a recent fan discussion where one Pokemon player asked the community which Pocket Monsters deserved to be in the Pseudo line-up.

They gave the example of Haxorus, noting, “It has the right stats and it’s a dragon type just like a lot of the rest. It looks so cool and it’s not necessarily a super common Pokemon … but it’s not super rare either.” Others were intrigued by the suggestion, chiming in with their own.

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Out of all the suggestions given, the most popular ones that stood out were Volcarona, Aggron, and Flygon, with Arcanine being chucked into the mix, too. One Pokemon player shared, “Ngl I actually believed Aggron was a Pseudo as a kid and was shocked to learn it wasn’t.”

Another noted, “Flygon, and [put] the bug type on there while we’re at it. How the f**k do we not have a Bug/Dragon yet?” Flygon is often mentioned in debates like this, particularly when it comes to fans clamoring for a Mega Evolution for the Mystic Pokemon.

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While players shared their favorite Pokemon they feel deserved to be crowned Pseudos, some have chipped in with their thoughts on Pseudo Legendaries.

One player declared, “I’m on my knees begging TPC to just lay off the dragons for a while, they should be put into dragon time-out. Their crimes against over-saturation of Dragon-types should, fairly, result in about a decade of little-to-no new dragon Legendaries or Pseudo-legends.”

To contrast against the potential Pseudo picks in the previous post, another recent fan discussion had players slamming their least favorite Pseudo Legendaries out of the line-up. One fan posed the question to the Pokemon Subreddit, kickstarting a fierce debate in the replies.

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Out of the bunch, Goodra was the most commonly picked when it came to terrible Pseudos. One player pointed out, “I believe it’s the only Pseudo that’s never been good. Also I think Hisui is better than Kalos exclusively due to type”.

Summing up why the overwhelming majority of commenters picked Goodra over others like Dragonite or Garchomp, one confused player noted, “Ima be real, I had no clue Goodra was even a Pseudo before reading these replies, that’s how irrelevant it is.”

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Whether you think new Pokemon should be added to the Pseudo line-up or existing ‘mons should be trimmed from the roster, it’s hard to deny that Pokemon Legends Z-A is the perfect time to make these changes.

The upcoming title will be re-introducing the Mega Evolution mechanic and it’s possible that we could see new Pokemon joining the existing Pokedex, too. If any Pseudo Legendary changes are set to be made, this new game could be the perfect opportunity to sort them.

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