Pokemon Let’s Go Spawn Locations

As the slogan says you’ve “Gotta catch ’em all”! We list every Pokemon spawn location in Pokemon Let’s Go and discuss which Pokemon aren’t available in the wild.

Pokemon Let’s Go Pokedex

It has been three days since the release of Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee. Consequently, a lot of Pokemon trainers will have, or be close to, defeating the Elite Four.

Upon completion one of the next goals is to “catch ’em all”. We list spawn locations for every Pokemon in Let’s Go. However, before we do that we discuss which Pokemon cannot be caught organically in Pokemon Let’s Go.

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Pokemon Let’s Go Version Exclusives

The most obvious Pokemon you won’t be able to catch are the version exclusives. Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee have different Pokemon you can catch in the wild.

Exclusive to the Pikachu version include Sandshrew, Sandslash, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Growlithe, Arcanine, Mankey, Primeape, Grimer, Muk and Scyther.. The Eevee edition allows you to capture Vulpix, Ninetales, Meowth, Persian, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Koffing, Weezing and Pinsir.

Capturing Meltan

The Kanto region allows you to capture up to 151 Pokemon. However, in the era of Pokemon Let’s Go that is no longer true.

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The introduction of a new species of Pokemon, Meltan, means there are 153 available. Meltan won’t appear in the wild though. It must be captured in Pokemon Go. You can read more about Meltan and how to capture it and its evolved form Melmetal below.

Capturing Mew

Mew has always been the elusive Pokemon of the Kanto region. Unfortunately nothing has changed in Pokemon Let’s Go.

Mew is only available through the Poke Ball Plus. As a bonus for purchasing the Poke Ball Plus, you can transfer Mew from inside it to Pokemon Let’s Go. That means if you don’t have a Poke Ball Plus, then completing the Pokedex is tricky.

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One way to get past this is to transfer Mew from someone who does have it, and then presumably transfer it back! After all its unlikely even the best of friends will want to give their rare Mew away. Transferring Mew will result in your Pokedex listing it as captured but of course Mew won’t be part of your team.

Spawn Locations

Here are the Pokemon Let’s Go spawn locations in the Kanto region for all 151 Pokemon.

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Pokedex # Pokemon Type Type 2 Spawn Location Notes
1 Bulbasaur Grass Poison Viridian Forest
2 Ivysaur Grass Poison Evolve Bulbasaur
3 Venusaur Grass Poison Evolve Ivysaur
4 Charmander Fire Route 3, Route 4 & Rock Tunnel
5 Charmeleon Fire Evolve Charm&er
6 Charizard Fire Flying Rare Spawn Throughout Kanto
7 Squirtle Water Route 24, Route 25 & Seaform Islands
8 Wartortle Water Evolve Squirtle
9 Blastoise Water Evolve Wartortle
10 Caterpie Bug Route 2, Viridian Forest
11 Metapod Bug Viridian Forest
12 Butterfree Bug Flying Viridian Forest* Pikachu Version
13 Weedle Bug Poison Route 2, Viridian Forest
14 Kakuna Bug Poison Viridian Forest
15 Beedrill Bug Poison Viridian Forest* Eevee Version
16 Pidgey Normal Flying Found Throughout Kanto
17 Pidgeotto Normal Flying Found Throughout Kanto
18 Pidgeot Normal Flying Found Throughout Kanto
19 Rattata Normal Found Throughout Kanto
20 Raticate Normal Found Throughout Kanto
21 Spearow Normal Flying Route 3, 4, 9, 10, 22 & 23
22 Fearow Normal Flying Route 3, 4, 9, 10, 22 & 23
23 Ekans Poison Route 3 & 4* Eevee Exclusive
24 Arbok Poison Evolve Ekans Eevee Exclusive
25 Pikachu Electric Viridian Forest
26 Raichu Electric Evolve Pikachu
27 Sandshrew Ground Route 3 & Route 4 Pikachu Exclusive
28 Sandslash Ground Evolve S&shrew Pikachu Exclusive
29 Nidoran (F) Poison Route 9, 10, 22 & 23
30 Nidorina Poison Route 9, 10 & 23
31 Nidoqueen Poison Ground Route 23
32 Nidoran (M) Poison Route 9, 10, 22 & 23
33 Nidorino Poison Route 9, 10 & 23
34 Nidoking Poison Ground Route 23
35 Clefairy Fairy Mt Moon
36 Clefable Fairy Mt Moon
37 Vulpix Fire Route 5, 6, 7 & 8 Eevee Exclusive
38 Ninetales Fire Route 7 & Route 8 Eevee Exclusive
39 Jigglypuff Normal Fairy Route 5, 6, 7 & 8
40 Wigglytuff Normal Fairy Evolve Jigglypuff
41 Zubat Poison Flying Diglett’s Cave, Mt Moon, Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel, Pokemon Tower, Seafoam Islands, Victory Road
42 Golbat Poison Flying Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel, Pokemon Tower, Seafoam Islands, Victory Road
43 Oddish Grass Poison Found Throughout Kanto Pikachu Exclusive
44 Gloom Grass Poison Route 12, 13, 14, 15 & 21 Pikachu Exclusive
45 Vileplume Grass Poison Route 21 Pikachu Exclusive
46 Paras Bug Grass Mt Moon
47 Parasect Bug Grass Evolve Paras
48 Venonat Bug Poison Route 14, 15, 24 & 25
49 Venomoth Bug Poison Route 14 & Route 15
50 Diglett Ground Diglett’s Cave
51 Dugtrio Ground Diglett’s Cave
52 Meowth Normal Route 24 & Route 25 Eevee Exclusive
53 Persian Normal Vermillion City Eevee Exclusive
54 Psyduck Water Route 4, 5, 6, 17, 24, 25 & Cerulean Cave
55 Golduck Water Cerulean Cave
56 Mankey Fighting Route 3 & Route 4 Pikachu Exclusive
57 Primeape Fighting Evolve Mankey Pikachu Exclusive
58 Growlithe Fire Route 5, 6, 7 & 8 Pikachu Exclusive
59 Arcanine Fire Route 7 & Route 8 Pikachu Exclusive
60 Poliwag Water Route 22, 23, 25 & Cerulean Cave
61 Poliwhirl Water Route 22, 23, 25 & Cerulean Cave
62 Poliwrath Water Fighting Cerulean Cave
63 Abra Psychic Route 5, 6, 7 & 8
64 Kadabra Psychic Route 7 & Route 8
65 Alakazam Psychic Evolve Kadabra
66 Machop Fighting Rock Tunnel & Victory Road
67 Machoke Fighting Victory Road
68 Machamp Fighting Evolve Machoke
69 Bellsprout Grass Poison Found Throughout Kanto Eevee Exclusive
70 Weepinbell Grass Poison Route 12, 13, 14, 15 & 21 Eevee Exclusive
71 Victreebel Grass Poison Route 21 Eevee Exclusive
72 Tentacool Water Poison Found Throughout Kanto
73 Tentacruel Water Poison Found Throughout Kanto
74 Geodude Rock Ground Mt Moon, Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel & Victory Road
75 Graveler Rock Ground Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel & Victory Road
76 Golem Rock Ground Evolve Graveler
77 Ponyta Fire Route 17
78 Rapidash Fire Route 17
79 Slowpoke Water Psychic Seaform Islands
80 Slowbro Water Psychic Seaform Islands
81 Magnemite Electric Steel Power Plant
82 Magneton Electric Steel Power Plant
83 Farfetch’d Normal Flying Route 12 & 13
84 Doduo Normal Flying Route 16, 17 & 18
85 Dodrio Normal Flying Route 16, 17 & 18
86 Seel Water Seaform Islands
87 Dewgong Water Ice Seaform Islands
88 Grimer Poison Power Plant & Pokemon Mansion Pikachu Exclusive
89 Muk Poison Power Plant & Pokemon Mansion Pikachu Exclusive
90 Shellder Water Seaform Islands
91 Cloyster Water Ice Seaform Islands
92 Gastly Ghost Poison Pokemon Tower
93 Haunter Ghost Poison Pokemon Tower
94 Gengar Ghost Poison Evolve Haunter
95 Onix Rock Ground Mt Moon, Rock Tunnel & Victory Road
96 Drowzee Psychic Route 11
97 Hypno Psychic Evolve Drowzee
98 Krabby Water Route 10, 12 & 13
99 Kingler Water Route 12 & 13
100 Voltorb Electric Power Plant
101 Electrode Electric Power Plant
102 Exeggcute Grass Psychic Route 23
103 Exeggutor Grass Psychic Route 23
104 Cubone Ground Rock Tunnel & Pokemon Tower
105 Marowak Ground Evolve Cubone
106 Hitmonlee Fighting Victory Road
107 Hitmonchan Fighting Victory Road
108 Lickitung Normal Cerulean Cave
109 Koffing Poison Power Plant & Pokemon Mansion Eevee Exclusive
110 Weezing Poison Power Plant & Pokemon Mansion Eevee Exclusive
111 Rhyhorn Ground Rock Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel & Victory Road
112 Rhydon Ground Rock Cerulean Cave & Victory Road
113 Chansey Normal Found Throughout Kanto
114 Tangela Grass Route 21
115 Kangaskhan Normal Rock Tunnel
116 Horsea Water Route 12 & Route 13
117 Seadra Water Route 12 & Route 13
118 Goldeen Water Route 6
119 Seaking Water Route 6
120 Staryu Water Route 18, 19 & 21
121 Starmie Water Psychic Route 18, 19 & 21
122 Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy Route 11
123 Scyther Bug Flying Route 14 & Route 15 Pikachu Exclusive
124 Jynx Ice Psychic Seaform Islands
125 Electabuzz Electric Power Plant
126 Magmar Fire Pokemon Mansion
127 Pinsir Bug Route 14 & Route 15 Eevee Exclusive
128 Tauros Normal Route 14 & Route 15
129 Magikarp Water Found Throughout Kanto
130 Gyarados Water Flying Route 20
131 Lapras Water Ice Route 19 & Route 20
132 Ditto Normal Cerulean Cave & Pokemon Mansion
133 Eevee Normal Route 17
134 Vaporeon Water Evolve Eevee
135 Jolteon Electric Evolve Eevee
136 Flareon Fire Evolve Eevee
137 Porygon Normal Route 7
138 Omanyte Rock Water Revive Helix Fossil
139 Omastar Rock Water Evolve Omanyte
140 Kabuto Rock Water Revive Dome Fossil
141 Kabutops Rock Water Evolve Kabuto
142 Aerodactyl Rock Flying Revive Old Amber
143 Snorlax Normal Route 12, 16 & Cerulean Cave
144 Articuno Ice Flying Seaform Islands & Rare Spawns
145 Zapdos Electric Flying Power Plant & Rare Spawns
146 Moltres Fire Flying Victory Road & Rare Spawns
147 Dratini Dragon Route 10
148 Dragonair Dragon Route 10
149 Dragonite Dragon Flying Rare Spawn Throughout Kanto
150 Mewtwo Psychic Cerulean Cave
151 Mew Psychic Poke Ball Plus

There is more information on the Pokemon Let’s Go Pokedex at serebii.net

Pokemon Let’s Go Tips

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