Pokemon Go’s forgotten Mega Evolution is still nowhere to be seen

The Mega Evolution symbol in Pokemon Go.

Over the years, more and more Mega Evolutions have been introduced into Pokemon Go, but of the few that still elude players one has them questioning if Niantic forgot it even exists.

Of the remaining Mega Evolutions still to be added to Pokemon Go, it’s Mega Camerupt that has players wondering if it will ever arrive with some concerned Niantic may have forgotten about it.

It has yet to appear in Pokemon Go, as highlighted by one confused trainer who asked, “When do you think Mega Camerupt will be released?” followed by, “As far as the remaining megas, it’s probably the one that is on the lowest of people’s radars, probably even forgetting it exists.”

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Explaining why they don’t see Mega Camerupt coming anytime soon they continued, “It doesn’t have some special thing about itself either like being a regional, good for mega pvp, an interesting mega energy case like Gallade (also there are psychic type events for it to fit) or being top powerful in PvE like Metagross and Mewtwo.”

First introduced in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Mega Camerupt significantly boosts the Eruption Pokemon’s offensive power, pushing its total stats from 460 to 560 and giving it a tremendous 145 Special Attack, albeit with a terrible base Speed of 20.

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Despite this boost, Mega Camerupt is far from a fan favorite and is not anticipated to have a big impact on Pokemon Go’s meta when it does finally arrive. Even so, Camerupt does have its fans and they are eager for its Mega Evolution to be added as soon as possible.

One such fan expressed, “Kind of ridiculous how they released Primal Groudon way before Mega Camerupt. It’s like they don’t understand how to build hype. It’s not a matter of how it’ll be released, it’s when. It’ll for sure be released alongside an event for dir3 or ground types.”

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Theorizing when Mega Camerupt will make its debut, a different user replied, “I’m pretty sure that mega Camerupt and sharpedo were designed as the signature megas for Maxie and Archie respectivly in Omega ruby and alpha sapphire,” with this leading them to believe a Team Aqua and Magma event would be the perfect time to add it.

Either way, Pokemon Go players will have to wait for the chance to use Mega Camerupt, though it is far from the only Mega Evolution yet to be added. Some others include Metagross, Gallade, and Mewtwo.

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