Pokemon Go trainer shares genius concept to make use of excess berries

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A Pokemon Go trainer has proposed a brilliant idea that could put players’ excess Berries to good use.

Pokemon Go has plenty of different resources that players can collect while playing, with each having different uses. Berries in particular are useful when catching Pokemon, and each Berry has a different effect.

While Pinap and Golden Razz Berries can be incredibly useful items, sometimes trainers end up with a surplus of these handy Berries that go to waste in one way or another.

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Now, one Pokemon Go fan has come up with a genius concept that could prevent excess Berries from going to waste through a new Berry Blender mechanic.

Pokemon Go trainer proposes Berry Blender mechanic

The trainer posted their concept to the Pokemon Go subreddit in a post titled, “The berry blender would be a great way to deal with excess berries.”

In their thread, they included full concept art of how this Berry Blender mechanic would function and what the end result would be.

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According to the OP, the Berry Blender would allow trainers to combine different berries to get all new berries, or even combine the same ones to get even bigger and more effective versions of the base berry.

As they put it, “This would eliminate the dumping of berries into gyms just for Stardust.”

Fans in the comments were impressed by the concept, with many wishing it would actually make it into the game.

“You had me excited at first. This edit looks so good. If this were real though you’d see me jamming 3 golden razz berries in there to try and catch those darn birds,” said one trainer in reference to the notoriously difficult-to-catch Galarian Bird trio.

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While many praised the concept, some trainers pushed back on the idea of having “excess” Berries. “There is no such thing as excessive berries. Take a gym and trade them for stardust. Up to 10 defending pokemon can be fed up to 10 berries each every half hour.”

Of course, having more options is never a bad thing. Whether or not Niantic would ever actually implement a concept like this remains to be seen, but this fan art seems to indicate there’s real interest behind the idea.

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