Pokemon Go trainer in Japan proves you can get 2 Master Balls with new footage

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A Japanese Pokemon Go player has posted video evidence that it is possible for trainers to hold two Master Balls in their inventory.

Pokemon Go developer Niantic recently announced that a new Timed Investigation would be coming to the mobile game that would give players yet another chance to get the coveted Master Ball.

However, there was a bit of confusion as to whether or not trainers could actually hold more than one of these ultimate Poke Balls in their inventory. Originally, Niantic made it clear that trainers could only carry one Master Ball, but that reference has since been removed from the respective Help Center page.

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Now, a Japanese Pokemon Go trainer has confirmed that it is possible for players to hold more than one Master Ball with video evidence.

Pokemon Go trainer confirms how to get two Master Balls

The trainer, under the username lance918yuu on Twitter, wondered whether or not it was possible to earn the extra Master Ball and set out to test their theory.

Not long after their initial post, they completed all the tasks in the September Master Ball Research quest. To their surprise, they were indeed able to earn and hold a second Master Ball, with the game even replaying the special cutscene when earning one.

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Members of the community were thankful for the quick confirmation, as completing the Timed Investigation so early and so quickly is certainly no easy feat.

โ€œBro sacrificed his sleep to show us we can have 2 Master Balls in inventory,โ€ said one appreciative trainer.

Itโ€™s unclear what exactly prompted Niantic to change the policy regarding how many Master Balls a trainer can hold in their inventory, but fans will no doubt feel some appreciation at the adjustment regardless.

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