Pokemon Go players unveil their “worst” Pokemon with perfect stats

Shuckle from Pokemon anime.The Pokemon Company

Having great stats in Pokemon Go isn’t always a guaranteed win. Pokemon Go players took to social media to share their “worst” critters with perfect sets of stats.

Do you remember getting your first Hundo in Pokemon Go? Finding a Pokemon with perfect IVs can be incredibly exciting, both from the perspective of a competitive player and from that of a collector.

It’s not always entirely logical or helpful, though. Pokemon Go players recently shared their weirdest and “worst” 4-star Pokemon, with a few seriously terrible results proving that stats are not everything.

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Pokemon Go players share their “worst” Hundos

Originally popping up in this Reddit post, a Pokemon Go player proudly displayed their Hundo Shuckle, asking other players to reply with the worst 4-star Pokemon in their collection. The other Pokemon Go fans in the thread did not disappoint.

One player noted they had recently picked up a Hundo Unown, asking what on Earth they were meant to do with it. Another jokingly replied that they, “tried to spell something in gyms with unowns but no one ever follows…” before someone else reminded them of the species clause.

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Another Pokemon Go player replied saying, “I’ll do you one better. How’s a shundo male Combee.” The original poster replied to this, confirming, “Ok, you’re winning now.”

A handful of players shared that they’d picked up useless Hundos with fancy hats from events, with one person mentioning their Shinx with a hat. The original poster loved this, calling the Shinx “dapper.” And another commenter shared, “I’ve got a 4* Diglett with a hat. I’ve named him Driplett.”

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Out of all the terrible Pokemon being displayed in the comments, the most common type by a mile were Bug types. OP noticed this trend, pointing out that “this is starting to become the 4* weak bug type club.”

It’s not all bad news, though. Some of the Pokemon Go players in the replies pointed out that Shuckle has been useful in previous Battle League events and could prove to be handy further down the line depending on which Cups are kept on in the game.

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