Pokemon Go players spot brand new “Not Very Effective” glitch

Agatha's Gengar in PokemonThe Pokemon Company

A Pokemon Go glitch is causing confusion, as it’s displaying the wrong information in battle, leading fans to believe that their attacks aren’t working as intended.

Those who have mastered the battle mechanics in the mainline Pokemon games must get used to some changes when they fight in Pokemon Go. This is due to specific changes, like the removal of type immunity, with Normal and Ghost-type Pokemon able to damage each other in the mobile game.

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The combat system in Pokemon Go is also a lot simpler, with Pokemon knowing fewer moves, players needing to manage Protect Shields, and the lack of individual Abilities on Pokemon.

It doesn’t help when glitches affect the battle system in Pokemon Go, as players can be prompted to use the wrong actions or believe they’re using an incorrect tactic when they’re actually fighting optimally.

New Pokemon Go glitch displays the wrong information

A user on the Pokemon Go Reddit has created a thread asking why the Electric and Rock-type moves were showing as “Not Very Effective” when facing a Noctowl, as it’s a Normal/Flying-type Pokemon, and should be weak to those attacks.

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Other users in the thread explained that this is a glitch, which is causing the “Not Very Effective” message to show up, regardless of what the attack is doing.

“I believe there’s been a visual glitch going around recently. Seen it in raids and GBL,” one user wrote, and another responded, “I did a Chansey raid earlier, and apparently Fighting-type moves are no longer effective against Normal-type Pokémon.”

“As others mentioned. Its supposedly a visual bug,” one user explained, “Earlier today I fought a Pikachu raid using Mega Garchomp (ground attacks only) and it just said not very effective.”

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Naturally, players were quick to blame Niantic. “Very small Indy company with a small IP… it’s bound to have bugs,” one user joked, while another said, “Plus: the game is still in early access. Can’t blame them for having a few bugs.”

As Pokemon Go is an always online game, it shouldn’t be too long before Niantic addresses this issue. In the meantime, players need to be aware that the notifications they’re given in battle can be incorrect. So, keep our Pokemon Go type calculator handy to have the information ready.

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