Pokemon Go players slam “ridiculous” Research Task that’s almost impossible

Pokemon Go Shiny DittoNiantic / The Pokemon Company

Pokemon Go players are frustrated with a Research Task that’s almost impossible to complete, even for the best players.

In Pokemon Go, the act of catching Pokemon is a minigame unto itself, unlike the mainline games, where catching is tied to battle, with the player able to make it easier by wounding or inflicting status effects on the wild Pokemon.

To this end, players can increase their chances of catching a Pokemon by performing certain actions, as they need to flick the Poke Ball at the correct time. This is made more difficult by the wild Pokemon moving about the screen or attempting to deflect the Poke Ball with an attack.

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The most difficult move to pull off is an Excellent Catch, which involves landing the Poke Ball just as the circle indicator hits the right spot. Your timing needs to be impeccable to land an Excellent Catch, with the reward being a higher chance of catching the Pokemon.

pokemon go throwing ball

Pokemon Go players think the 3 Excellent Throws in a Row Research Task is too difficult

A user on the Pokemon Go Reddit has shared an image of one of their Field Research Tasks, with a requirement for performing three Excellent Throws. This would hard enough on its own, but these have to be done in a row.

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“Wait till you get to level 48 challenges. You have a to get 4 in a row. Actually just finished that yesterday on Terrakion,” one user said, while anothe wrote, “I feel your pain. Apparently we are not skilled.”

There are ways to make this process easier, as bigger Pokemon produce a larger catching circle. This means the indicator for hitting an Excellent Throw is bigger and easier to see, giving players an opportunity to practise their throw.

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One user in the thread also suggested the airplane mode trick, which allows you to reset Pokemon encounters, givng you the perfect chance to train on Excellent Throws, before attempting them in a live run and completing the task.

It’s always possible to ditch the Field Research Tasks, especially as their individual rewards usually aren’t that great. It’s just a shame that some are locked behind a skill challenge that’s out of reach for a lot of players, due to how difficult Excellent Throws can be for the casual player.

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