Pokemon Go players frustrated as game cuts off global bonus early for certain regions

Promo image for Pokemon Go beach event featuring Shellder, Wingull, Krabby, and Clauncher.The Pokemon Company

Pokemon Go players have become extremely frustrated after the Beach Week Global Challenge cut off early for some regions, preventing them from receiving additional Candy.

June 6 saw the return of the Pokemon Go Water Festival Beach Week. The event ran until June 12 bringing with it a variety of beach-themed encounters, field research tasks, and raids.

One of the draws of the event was the Global Challenge where the Pokemon Go community had to throw 300 million successful Nice Throws before the event ended.

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After reaching this goal players got to take advantage of bonus additional Candy awarded after a Pokemon was caught with a Nice, Great, or Excellent throw for the remainder of the event. However, not everyone got an equal chance to take part.

Beach Week global bonus ends early for some Pokemon Go players

Some Pokemon Go players were unable to take full advantage of the bonus candies from the Global Challenge after the event ended early in certain regions. It was supposed to finish at 8 pm local time but this doesn’t appear to have been the case.

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Instead, the cut-off seems to have affected those living in Eastern time zones most with the Americas being least affected. In some cases, players reported missing out on close to 24 hours of the bonus Candy.

One affected player posted a video of them not receiving extra Candy despite the bonus being active: “Here’s proof. You can see the bonus is still showing as active, and the first Shieldon gives me 3 Candy with no throw bonus. The second Shieldon gives me 3 Candy with a great throw when it should actually give 5.”

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Noticing the issue another player tweeted: “Just a heads up @NianticHelp @PokemonGoApp. It shows there are still 4 hours left on the Global Challenge bonus however it has not been rewarding the extra Candy since the beach festival ended 3 and a half hours ago.

A different impacted trainer vented: “So in the end it’s a global bonus and still shows a bit over 7hr left, but if the event is over you don’t get the bonus Candy. Not surprised, but means early zones miss out on close to 24hr, and really just America gets the full amount, even though it was a team effort.”

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Developer Niantic has yet to acknowledge the global bonus’ premature ending. However, Niantic offered compensation on June 10 for a bug that saw special trades not working as intended so a similar apology could follow for this oversight.