Pokemon Go players divided over “not fun” level up requirements

Pokemon Go level upNiantic

It seems some Pokemon Go players are feeling extremely frustrated over certain level up requirements in the game, splitting the community straight down the middle.

Since Pokemon Go’s release in 2016, tons of content has been added to the game, meaning players are able to enjoy the experience for longer and work on leveling up to max level. However, that journey to level 50 can be a little tedious, and that’s without taking into account the level-up requirements you must complete from level 41 to 50.

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These requirements keep players working towards increasing their level and can be a perfect extra task for those who have already completed all their research quests. However, such level tasks seem to be irritating some in the community, with certain players branding them “a joke” – but not all fans agree.

Pokemon Go players have had enough of “joke” level-up requirements

Posting onto Reddit, one Pokemon Go user shared their frustrations regarding the level-up requirements for level 44, which reads ‘Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League”. Accompanying the image, they sarcastically wrote: “Man do I love Pokémon go Battle league and praying I have a type advantage to have a chance of winning… I love tapping my screen and being agitated by the quirks of battle league… especially master league fights.”

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The poster continued in the comments by sharing their frustrations regarding the grind players need to complete to get this task sorted and how frustrating they find Master League battles to be.

Naturally, the post quickly garnered plenty of support and contest, with some players agreeing that “these level requirements are a joke” and others providing easy ideas to complete the task or highlighting that they’re “not that bad.”

One Pokemon Go fan gave some helpful advice for the poster and anyone else in the situation, stating you can just “Figure it out with a friend, you’ll win 100% and be done within half an hour. Trust me, that’s exactly what I did.” Other comments agreed with this statement, explaining it’s the easiest and quickest way to complete the task.

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Many comments agreed with the poster, explaining how they “don’t look forward to this in any form” and how players “refused to move up a level for like a year because of how boring pokemon go battles are.”

On the other hand, plenty of users were quick to disagree with the statement, joking that “winning 40 master league battles seems much faster than getting 11mil xp.”

Others gave a more detailed explanation as to why these tasks are there, highlighting how “the whole purpose of the leveling tasks are to prove the player has at least some experience with every facet of the game. You’re lucky the battle league tasks require no real effort if you go about them the right way.”

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The poster explained their frustrations deeper after all this discourse, writing: ” It’s not impossible but the gameplay of rapidly taping the screen isn’t fun and the gameplay to me isn’t a rewarding experience.”

Needless to say, not all aspects of Pokemon Go will be popular among all players, just look at Routes for example. Nevertheless, it’s clear some players still enjoy those Master Leagues.