Pokemon Go players celebrate “wholesome” Mega Lucario Raid Day experience

mega lucario pokemon animeThe Pokemon Company

A longtime Pokemon Go player shared their first experience of the game’s Raids, resulting in an outpouring of celebration among fans.

Deciding to step out of their “usual PoGo zone” and visit a local park, the rookie raider, a self-described “older player,” recounted their chance encounter with another younger player and the subsequent adventures that followed during Mega Lucario’s Raid Day.

“Third raid in and I notice a solo young lad, I assumed around 11-12 years old,” the Reddit thread started. Confirming they were both on the hunt for the Gen 3 ‘mon, the author proceeded to be “bossed” by their spontaneous raid partner, conceding to their superior knowledge as a Trainer.

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“I followed that little Pokemon Go genius for the rest of the day,” the anecdote continued, adding that their teammate “taught me so much about the game and app that I had no clue about.”

After exhausting their Raid Pass supplies, the junior Pokemon Go player bade farewell and went home, but the adventure wasn’t quite over.

“I still had three more Remote Raid Passes so used those, caught my only two Shinies, and texted him. He advised me on which to Mega and I immediately did so. He’s the genius,” the author reiterated.

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“And this is how it’s supposed to work. Made me smile,” came one response.

“This is adorable. It makes me happy to see sweet, positive stories like this! Glad you enjoyed your time raiding,” added another.

More Trainers of a certain age were present to share their enjoyment of learning from younger generations. “This is what Pokemon Go was made for! Being a MiMi myself. I love learning from the young ones. Watching their enthusiasm is so heartwarming.”

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Following its extension as a result of Mega Lucario Raid Day Ticket bonuses not being applied as intended, the event has been scheduled to run for an additional day, concluding on July 28 at 5 PM local time.