Pokemon Go players catch “kinda sus” Lickitung lurking at PokeStop

pokemon anime likitung Go logo headerThe Pokemon Company / Niantic

Pokemon Go fans lost it after one trainer discovered a “sus” Lickitung after an unfortunate PokeStop and Pokemon pair up.

Pokemon Go players have found or submitted some amazing PokeStops across the game’s six-year history.

Though most PokeStops are normal, such as famous landmarks or monuments, others for establishments like restaurants and bars can be quite funny.

Now, one fan has found a hilarious combination of Pokemon and PokeStop, thanks to a “sus” Lickitung and a beachside bar.

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Pokestops can feature surprisingly adult images

Lickitung in the Pokemon Go Summer CupNiantic / The Pokemon Company
While Lickitung is far from a suggestive Pokemon, given the wrong context the Pokemon could be seen as “sus.”

The post comes from the game’s subreddit where user RageLuinor posted a picture of Pokemon at a nearby PokeStop.

The specific PokeStop is the Wipeout Bar & Grill at Pier 39 in San Francisco, California, which features a statue of a woman in a bikini holding up the menu sign.

For obvious reasons, fans began making jokes about why Lickitung could be found at this particular PokeStop, given its photo.

“You misspelled based,” joked user Pyroz336, among plenty of other more risque jokes.

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Funnily enough, other fans instantly recognized which PokeStop RageLuinor was at just based on the picture provided.

“Wipeout! I have the San Francisco stop saved in my postcard book,” said one excited Pokemon trainer.

This isn’t the first time lewd PokeStops have caught the attention of the Pokemon Go community, though others have been far more revealing than Wipeout’s picture.

Of course, PokeStops have to get approved by a community of Niantic reviewers before going public, according to Niantic’s help page.

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This could explain some instances where nude sculptures and statues can be featured as PokeStop signs, as most are simply considered public art.

Regardless, Wipeout’s PokeStop photo is perfectly fine despite the funny coincidence of Lickitung lingering around.