Pokemon Go players call for Niantic to add major Mega Energy feature

Mega Ampharos standing in front of field from Pokemon anime.The Pokemon Company

Pokemon Go players are calling for developer Niantic to change how Mega Energy is distributed by making it possible to gain Mega Energy by walking rather than relying on Raids.

Mega Evolution has been a key part of Pokemon Go ever since it was introduced in August 2020. The unique mechanic lets you temporarily power up certain Pokemon and use some of the strongest monsters in the whole game.

There are currently two methods to obtain Mega Energy, the resource used to Mega Evolve Pokemon. Mega Energy can be acquired by either beating specific Raid Battles or completing research tasks.

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It’s the lack of options that has now pushed the community to ask Niantic to consider adding a third, farmable method to get Mega Energy.

Pokemon Go community’s solution to Mega Energy shortage

Proposing a solution to the Mega Energy shortage, one trainer posted on Reddit: “Anyone else wish you could walk and gain mega energy for all pokemon that have a mega? Not just the ones you’ve already mega evolved?”

After further explaining their issue with how Mega Energy is currently acquired, they closed: “I feel like if the whole point of the game is to get people outside, more people would get out if you could walk any pokemon that has a mega option, and get mega energy for it. I have at least a dozen possible mega’s but no way to gain mega energy. Pretty lame.”

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The idea proved popular with one reply reading: “Yeah I’d love something a bit more accessible. Charmander community day classic gave us heaps of mega energy, but they decided against doing it for Mareep. What a load of cr*p lol.”

Another trainer voiced their frustrations responding: “I’m with ya. There’s been 3 times so far I’ve gotten a shiny for a mon, but had to wait a long while to be able to mega evolve them,” before revealing Latios, Shuppet, and Sableye as the offending Pokemon.

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“Would be nice if all the wild Pokemon of a mega family had a chance to drop, say, 5-10 mega energy if caught. Make it a low enough chance to make it a serious grind, if niantic really feels the need to do so,” a different trainer posted expanding on OP’s original proposal.

A strategy that many Pokemon Go players aren’t aware of is that you only need Mega Energy to Mega Evolve a Pokemon once. After the first Mega Evolution, you can repeat it for free albeit with a cooldown. This resting period decreases each time you Mega Evolve that same Pokemon.

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