Pokemon Go player reveals one major tip to beat “95%” of raids

An Elite Raid in Pokemon GoNiantic

A Pokemon Go trainer shared a personal tip that allowed them to overcome “95%” of the available raids in the mobile game.

Pokemon Go has plenty of content that trainers can participate in, whether it be alone or with a group of other players.

Raiding is one of the most popular activities in the game, though many players struggle to take on challenging raids like Therian Forme Thundurus when they don’t have other players to help them out.

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However, one trainer sent out a PSA to the community to let them know that there’s a fairly easy tip to raids that can help some fans overcome “95%” of them they stumble across.

Pokemon Go fan shares straightforward raid advice

A post on the Pokemon Go subreddit gained traction among the community after one fan shared some rather straightforward advice.

The OP titled the thread, “PSA: You can do pretty much 95% of the raids in this game with 4 decently leveled players.”

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They went on to explain, “The amount of raids that get dodged with 4 people lvl 35+ is insane. Do y’all really think you need 6 ppl to raid a Thundurus? I just had a lobby of 4 lvl 40+. It happens alllllll the time.” The trainer ended the post by calling some fans “weak” for leaving raids early.

Though brusque, plenty of players agreed with the OP’s tip and shared their own experiences with other people leaving doable raids.

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“I had 2 other people join a Guzzlord raid, only to leave before it started,” said one fan. “I was like ‘don’t leave, I can solo this!’ I tried to communicate that it was doable [for] us 3 by readying up, but they didn’t get the hint.”

Along a similar vein, many people blamed a lack of easy communication tools for this specific issue.

“I get the need to prohibit free communication for safety in the game, but there could be a wheel or drop-down of a few comments just for basic things like this,” one player suggested. Another agreed and said, “Yeah like some basic emotes, hello, flex, wave or others.”

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Others said the reason other decent-level raiders are hard to come by is the price of Raid Passes. “Blame raid passes. They’re so expensive for being a crucial part of the game IMO.”

While it’s certainly true that many players overestimate the difficulty of some raids, it’s also true that there are more limiting factors at play than just one’s level.