Pokemon Go player notices Niantic error after getting slapped with 90 day Wayspots ban

Pokemon Go WayfarerNiantic

One Pokemon Go player has found themselves banned by Niantic for suggesting too many “unsatisfactory” Wayspots, meaning they can’t access Wayfarer or Pokemon Go for 90 days thanks to a previous typo in the email.

The introduction of some brand-new features initially had the Pokemon Go community extremely excited, with the new Routes and Showcases providing a perfect way for players to show off their Pokemon and explore the world around them.

However, as it is with new features, many found themselves frustrated, with plenty of the community finding their Route proposals rejected.

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This isn’t too new for Pokemon Go, as frustrations over Pokestop submissions have been going on since the game came out. Only this time, it seems fans need to be a little careful when submitting ideas, as Niantic is cracking down on “unsatisfactory” Wayspots.

Pokemon Go player left fuming after being banned

Sharing an email they received from Niantic on Reddit, one user explained how they were promptly banned from both Pokemon Go and Wayfarer after “submitting nominations that do not meet our criteria.”

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Frustrated and confused, the player shared their email and slammed Niantic for their decision to ban the player for suggesting Pokestops, Gyms, and Routes: “I swear, this company just gets worse and worse as time goes on.”

This was especially highlighted when the player revealed that they were initially banned for 30 days, only for Niantic to make an error and typo in the email.

The shock rippled across the community, with many feeling frustrated and disheartened about the recent bans.

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“Imagine being banned for trying to add content for their game free of charge. Why would anyone take the risk then?” explained one user. After all, the threat of being banned often feels like it outweighs choosing to add more Pokestops and Routes near your location.

“Being banned from Pokemon Go because of Pokestop submissions is so stupid. Unless you were using nsfw images you shouldn’t be banned,” one trainer said.

“Their reviewing system is horrible and I’ve had good stops rejected for no reason before. I could understand them suspending your wayfarer account for having a poor rating but banning people on go is so stupid.”

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The primary reception for such a move is that of confusion, caution, and frustration. Many members of the community are now pledging to no longer submit more Pokestops out of fear of being banned, which will, in turn, slow down the changes many see in the game.

There’s no telling what the player submitted and whether the content of their submissions warranted a ban on both Wayfiner and Pokemon Go, but it’s certainly made the community wary.

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