Pokemon Go player furious after Zubat ruins Ultra Beast catch

pokemon go zubat kartana headerNiantic / The Pokemon Company

One Pokemon Go player was left furious after a rogue Zubat blocked their chance to catch Kartana after a Raid battle.

It seems Pokemon Go fans have discovered yet another rare glitch that completely prevents players from catching monsters after a Raid battle.

If one post from the Pokemon Go subreddit is to be believed, a user by the name of Terrorz was completely blocked from catching a Raid Kartana after a rogue Zubat infiltrated the capture screen and blocked all of their Premier Balls.

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“ARE YOU KIDDING ME,” the player asked, after they posted a screenshot showing a wild Zubat flying in front of a Kartana they were meant to catch.

“The Zubat blocks the balls…no catch…,” the frustrated trainer explained.

Many players in the comments were baffled by the strange glitch, with many expressing surprise that this could even happen.

“THATS A THING THAT CAN HAPPEN,” asked one fan, while another said, “How do these impossible glitches happen on this game lmao.”

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One played asked the OP: “So the ball throws are not reaching Kartana,” to which they confirmed, “They hit the Zubat and bounce off since Zubat is closer.”

Others in the comments offered suggestions on how to fix the issue, such as switching to AR mode or leaving the capture screen altogether. Unfortunately, it seems as though it was too late for the trainer to try these potential fixes.

As the Sizeable Surprises event has only just begun, the unlucky trainer can potentially land another Kartana through 5-star Raids. Still, it’s a shame this seemingly newfound glitch occurred at all.

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