Pokemon Go player encounters literal double team of Team Rocket Grunts

Glitch in Pokemon GoThe Pokemon Company

Visual errors have become commonplace in video games, including Pokemon Go. This latest one showcased a Pokemon Go player getting mobbed by a series of Team Rocket grunts.

Team Rocket is an infamous villainous force in the world of Pokemon, and one known for utilizing underhanded tactics in order to outsmart Pokemon trainers.

Pokemon Go players are likely well-versed on how to deal with Team Rocket, but we have yet to see this tactic from the group.

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On social media, one user noted that Team Rocket decided to swarm the individual completely in what has to be a hilarious, yet terrifying, glitch in Pokemon Go.

A double team in Pokemon Go

On Reddit, a user by the name of ‘u/InterestingClaim7247’ found quite the odd Pokemon Go glitch when logged into the mobile game.

The individual was mobbed by a number of Team Rocket grunts in the mobile game, in what appears to be a rather hilarious visual glitch.

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Reddit users were quick to bring witty comments to the thread, with one mentioning that Team Rocket has improved and has now learned to fight together rather than take trainers on one at a time.

Another noted that the Grass-type Pokemon Oddish is right next to the player and the Team Rocket grunts, and wrote “[s]ad part is that Oddish is not included.”

Others made mention that this harkens back to the Ides of March, a Roman holiday that gained notoriety after Julius Caeser was famously assassinated by several of his fellow politicians on that date. One simply stated, “Last moments of Julius Caeser.”

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Visual glitches have become quite common in Pokemon Go. Just recently, one player reported a Tyranitar that aged significantly over a short period of time, while another noticed a Gyarados and Snorlax that looked like a fused creature.