Pokemon Go player “beyond frustrated” as game-breaking crash removes their shiny

Pokemon Go shiny TyruntNiantic

Pokemon Go players have finally had enough of the game-breaking crashes after one player reported the loss of a beloved Shiny.

Pokemon Go hasn’t gone without its problems in 2023. Despite the success of Pokemon Go Fest and many other events, the game has been plagued with questionable decisions, frustrating feature rollouts, and often major community backlash. Thankfully, plenty of that has been solved, with Routes now embedding themselves in the game and fans thoroughly enjoying the events.

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However, one element seems to be a long-running frustration among fans, with the game crashing in pivotal moments, particularly when players are just about to catch a Shiny Pokemon they’ve wanted for years.

Pokemon Go player devastated after crash removes their Shiny

Posting onto Reddit, one user shared a screenshot of their game, with them just about to catch a Shiny Tyrunt. Along with the image they shared the devastating story that left them “beyond frustrated” with Niantic: “finally found one and I took a screenshot because I was so excited. And then the game crashed immediately and I wasn’t able to catch it because it was found through adventure incense. Thanks Niantic.”

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Naturally, the player was extremely frustrated at their loss, following up in the comments after one player offered to give them one if they had it, stating: “I appreciate it. I’m just so sick of the game crashing”

It seems plenty of other players are sick of the crashing, with some sharing their crash stories by explaining how “The crashes the past two weeks are so weird, I get them too.” and how “mine crashes all the time now”

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One user offered an interesting insight into the fact that the screenshot could have caused it, explaining how they “also suffer from this issue. Every time I switch off the app or take a screenshot, the screen freezes. I had this happen with a shiny tyrunt as well I got lucky because I screenshotted as the master ball animation played”

It’s not confirmed whether the issue is caused by screenshotting before catching the Pokemon, but to be on the safe side, many comments recommended screenshotting the creature after catching it.

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