Pokemon Go player beats insane odds to hatch rare hundo

Pokemon Go egg incubator with 3km, 5km, 10km, and 12km eggs.The Pokemon Company

One extremely lucky Pokemon Go player managed to beat some nearly impossible odds, hatching themselves a perfect hundo Larvesta.

Completing a Pokedex in Pokemon Go is the goal of many trainers. Aside from catching Pokemon in the wild, or trading for them, another way players can earn them is by hatching eggs. Eggs hatch once players have placed them in their incubator and walked enough steps while playing the game.

Hatching Pokemon from eggs in Pokemon Go also gives trainers access to some types that are egg-only. While an egg won’t always yield anything special, some eggs have the chance of hatching the game’s rarest and most powerful Pokemon. So, of course, players are willing to go the literal and physical distance to see what their eggs might have inside.

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Now, one lucky trainer managed to beat all the odds — hatching themselves an almost perfect hundo Larvesta. A hundo is a Pokemon with its stats full, making it a perfect specimen.

The player shared their lucky hatch to Reddit, captioning their screenshot with, “I think I won.” A sentiment many other trainers in the thread clearly shared.

“Good lord I can’t even hatch one and you got a hundo?! Jealousy and curses,” joked one user.

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“It’s like getting 3rd age in RS. Hell yeah, [congratulations] OP,” said another, referencing a rare third-generation Pokemon in Ruby or Sapphire.

As one comment pointed out, the chances of this hatch are less than 1% — according to their math the odds are around 1/21600.

Pokemon Go LarvestaNiantic, Inc.
Larvesta have less than a 1% chance to hatch from eggs.

Larvesta is a strong fire and bug type, and a hundo Larvesta is definitely a great Pokemon to have in your pocket. With access to Bug Bite and Bug Buzz, this Pokemon Go player has now got one of the strongest PvP move sets in the game.

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