Pokemon Go glitch shows another side to Whismur you can’t unsee

pokemon go whismurPokemon / Niantic

Another Pokemon Go visual glitch has appeared in-game and while Niantic might be able to fix the way the screen appears, it’s revealed something about Whismur that you will never unsee. 

There are so many different species to check off your Pokedex in Pokemon Go these days, many of which members of the community will be well aware of. Veteran fans will have seen every inch of Bulbasaur, Pikachu, and many other favorites in the 10+ years since their release with Gen 1.

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However, it’s amazing that we’re still finding out new things about some of the franchise’s oldest Pokemon.

It just so happens that it took a visual glitch to find this out, but Whismur isn’t as cute on the backside as it is on the front. If you have never seen it, prepare for a fright.

Pokemon Go glitch exposes Whismur, literally

On October 20, Reddit user justinBeaver420 showed how their screen had been affected by a visual bug in Pokemon Go. As you can see, things don’t look normal in the screenshot they posted.

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But it wasn’t really the disturbance in gameplay that caught their eye, but rather Whismur’s butt.

whismur pokemon go glitchReddit: u/justinBeaver420
Whismur’s backside was exposed in the strange glitch, and who knew it looked that way?

All things considered, whether it’s the newer Pokemon installments to the video game franchise or the very originals, it’s very rare that you see any species from behind.

Well, now we know why.

The image has been surging up the subreddit since being posted, with even diehard fans admitting they never knew it looked like this. “My game was kept crashing and… I didn’t know Whismurs had buttholes!?!?”

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One replied: “That’s unsettling,” while others joked: “Whismurs, silent but deadly” and called it a “headphone jack.”

The headphone jack joke might sound funny, but it’s a plausible design explanation as this evolution chain is themed around music, from Whismur to Exploud.

Even if there is a reasonable explanation, though, it doesn’t look pretty.