Pokemon Go fans call for removal of “frustrating” feature during events

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Gifts can be opened in Pokemon Go to reveal any number of useful items for the player. During the current event in the mobile title, fans think that Niantic needs to ease up on a big aspect of Gifts.

The Pokemon GO Adventure Week event has come to a close. Now that the curtain has come down on the event and the dust has begun to settle, Pokemon Go players have some strong words and are criticizing the game’s Gifting process.

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Gifts can be sent between friends and contain handy resources, from Poke Balls to Rare Candy. During the course of the Adventure Week event, certain limited-time-only Pokemon could be obtained from Eggs. Players think that Niantic is making a mistake though when it comes to Gifts during a special event such as these.

Niantic needs to make changes to Gift Eggs in Pokemon Go

According to Pokemon Reddit user evilmairai: “When there is an event that centers on 7km Eggs, Niantic should remove the gift opening limit.”

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At the moment, players are limited in how many Gifts they can open a day. Meaning, the chances of acquiring an Egg as a gift can be quite slim. The OP explained: “If there is an event that highly leans on 7km Egg hatching, the limit for Gift opening should be removed…there is no reason for it to be there, let us hatch more event Eggs.”

The sentiment was echoed through the community as well. “Yes. So frustrating to open three gifts in a row and have no eggs,” commented one player and someone else added: “Yeah, it’s super weird because they want us to buy incubators, and everyone is down to blow through them for this event. And they don’t increase the amount we can get? Sometimes Niantic makes me laugh.”

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While increasing the Egg count total could be interesting, there was also another solution offered that could improve the situation. “Or at least guarantee an egg from every gift,” suggested one Pokemon Go user.

The Pokemon Go Adventure Week event for 2023 is in the books, but it doesn’t mean that this problem won’t arise again in the future. Although, at the moment, Niantic has its hands full with the ongoing Routes issue.