Pokemon community disappointed by latest Unite update

Screenshot of Charizard and Garchomp with Pokemon Unite logo.The Pokemon Company / TiMi Studios

A new beta for Pokemon Unite has been announced for 2021. However, the update has some fans believing the MOBA title won’t be coming out any time soon.

Despite being announced in June 2020, there is still a lot we don’t know about Pokemon Unite. Over eight months later, and we still don’t even have a proper release date or any indication of when it is coming out.

Given that this year’s Pokemon Day on February 27 will also celebrate the series’ 25th anniversary, fans hoped the free-to-play game would launch. But a new announcement has some disappointed and worried about the MOBA’s development.

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Screenshot of Pokemon Unite gameplay from Canada preview.The Pokemon Company / TiMi Studios
When will Unite finally get a release date?

Fans concerned over Pokemon Unite beta news

On February 16, it was revealed that Pokemon Unite is getting a regional beta in Canada sometime in March. Because the MOBA-lite hasn’t had many updates, the announcement took some fans by surprise.

Those excited to jump into the new spinoff were hoping the title would be launched sooner. The long stretch of silence from developers had players speculating that it could be launched on Pokemon Day 2021.

While the March beta doesn’t necessarily rule out near release date, it left the community wondering if the game’s development is further out than many had assumed.

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“Beta in March? So it won’t release on Pokemon Day,” one fan wrote. Others speculated that the beta announcement meant Unite has less of a chance of coming out on the day “I was legit convinced they’d be shadow dropping this game for Pokemon day next week. Guess they are running a bit slower than I thought. Probably May full release then,” another player tweeted.

Screenshot of Pokemon fans reacting to Unite March Beta.

Not everyone was bothered by the news though, as some fans are still not excited about the MOBA. “Don’t think ive ever been more uninterested in a Pokemon Game…” one person commented. Another quipped, “oh right this game exists, completely forgot about it.”

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Screenshot of Pokemon fans not be excited for Unite.

Only time will tell if the new series will win the community over once it launches. The latest update has some thinking the MOBA-lite won’t be dropping anytime soon. Although it should be pointed out that the beta does not rule anything out.

Conversely, Game Freak never promised Unite would be launched during Pokemon Day 2021. One thing is for sure though, the free-to-play title has been shrouded in a lot of mystery as developers have been fairly quiet about it for months.

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