Pokemon collectors in tears over “ridiculously cute” Fusion plush

Oshawott with Mimikyu Pokemon eyes and lovehearts with anime background.The Pokemon Company / Game Freak

Pokemon Fusion is a hot topic in the community right now, thanks to it being featured in Pokemon Go Fest 2024. The event is playing host to Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma, and players in the Pokemon world have been getting excited to see these creative ‘mon mash-ups in action.

It’s not just Pokemon Go that offers Pokemon Fusion, however. You can find incredible Pokemon mash-ups in the fan art scene, with artists of all mediums sharing their own blends of their favorite critters.

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A Pokemon plush artist recently attracted a mountain of praise online for their creative batch of Mimikyu plushes, with an Oshawott x Mimikyu plush standing out as a clear fan-favorite. The creator, @HazelOddities, proudly unveiled the design on X, clarifying that the shell was attached to the plush with magnets.

Other Pokemon fans were immediately obsessed with the design, praising OP’s talent and dubbing the creepy-cute critter “the perfect being”.

One viewer complimented the artist, saying, “I love this, so adorable”, and another gushed, “INSTANTLY FOLLOWED, I NEED ONE OF THESE SO … BAD! OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO CRY LOOK HOW CUTE AFJHASKFJAHFKJHA”.

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A few fans found the button eyes a little off-putting, but still adorable. One joked, “Oh! He’s going to give me nightmares but I LOVE him!!!” The combination of the two Pokemon is certainly striking, as both Mimikyu and Oshawott have such iconic features – especially Mimikyu’s doodly face.

Some Pokemon fans begged the artist for their own favorite Pokemon, with some of the most popular picks being Raichu, Shinx, and Psyduck. Each and every ‘mon created by this artist has been received positively by the community, with viewers praising the work as “ridiculously cute”.

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While Fusion does seem to only be present in Pokemon Go at the time of writing, it’ll be interesting to see whether it ever pops up in another game – or even in the anime. It’s clear fans enjoy seeing their favorite ‘mons combined, and experiencing it in a video game format could be thrilling.