One Pokemon has a major inconsistency in their Pokedex entry

Pokemon Go Mega HeracrossNiantic

Not all Pokemon are made to be perfect, and it seems their Pokedex entries follow the same rules after one key inconsistency was spotted in Heracross’ description.

Thanks to various evolutions, Pokemon change their looks and designs all the time. It keeps them interesting and helps players distinguish between the different Pocket Monsters. This is entirely the same for Mega Pokemon. After all, it can sometimes be hard to spot the difference between a Mega version and its original form.

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However, sometimes a few inconsistencies can occur when a Pokemon changes from its original design to a Mega, causing some pretty interesting Pokedex errors.

Such is the case with Heracross after one Pokemon Go player spotted the form Mega Heracross being referred to as the “Single Horn Pokemon,” while its Pokedex entry explained that “It can grip things with its two horns and lift 500 times its own body weight.” As such, it completely contradicts itself in the same entry.

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Naturally, this baffled many members of the community, with plenty thinking it was just simply a typing error.

However, this is actually a common issue with Mega Pokemon as they use the same Pokedex entries as their regular forms. As such, the entry is less of a mistype and purely the way Mega entries work. In fact, if you compare the normal Heracross to the Mega version, you’ll see that the base form has one horn, while the Mega grows an extra one.

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While it’s not a mistype, it’s certainly a funny inconsistency to the community, with some joking that “His second horn comes out of the garage on his chest” or that the second horn is actually its nose.

With the return of Mega Evolution already confirmed for the upcoming title Pokemon Legends Z-A, hopefully, we get even more interesting expansions of the existing Pokemon lore.