How to get Lapras wearing a scarf in Pokemon Go: Drip Lapras guide

lapras wearing a scarf pokemon goNiantic

The next phase of Pokemon Go Season of Alola, Water Festival 2022, marks the debut of Lapras wearing a scarf. If you’re looking to add another costume-wearing monster to your collection, here’s how to catch Drip Lapras.

Drip Lapras was leaked ahead of time by data miners, but confirmed on May 9 with the full breakdown of Water Festival 2022.

The event, which will also mark the debuts of Dewpider, Aranquid, and at long last Tapu Fini, is one of the most highly anticipated of the year.

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If you would like to add a Lapras wearing a scarf to your Pokedex, let’s run through everything you need to know – based on information released by Niantic.

pokemon go season of alola eventNiantic
Players looking to hunt down a special Lapras have over a week to do so.

How to get Lapras wearing a scarf in Pokemon Go

In order to get Lapras wearing a scarf (Drip Lapras) in Pokemon Go, you need to be playing during the Water Festival event. 

Lapras wearing a scarf will be available until May 20, 8PM local time. 

There will also be a Global Challenge in progress during the Water Festival event, meaning that if players can catch 600,000,000 Water-type Pokemon during its runtime, each will be awarded a Double Candy bonus.

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Ways to catch Drip Lapras & get encounters

There is no foolproof or set strategy for catching this form, though there are certain things you can do to increase your chances. So, let’s run through where it can be found, and what you can do to make things easier!

If you are looking to increase your chances of catching Lapras wearing a scarf in Pokemon Go, use the following tools at your disposal:

  • Take advantage of the Event bonus: Rainy Lure Modules can be activated to attract wild Pokemon (Water-type) to PokeStops. These last up to 30 minutes at a time, increasing your chances of copping a Drip Lapras.
  • Three-star Raids: Lapras wearing a scarf will be featured in Three-star Raids during the Water Festival.
  • Activate Incense: It goes without saying, but the Incense can attract more Pokemon – Lapras included!
  • Field Research task encounters: In rare cases, Drip Lapras will appear in Field Research task encounters.
  • Pick the right Pokeball: We would recommend Ultra Balls for catching Lapras, but an Excellent Throw with a Great Ball should do the trick.

For more information regarding the Water Festival event in Pokemon Go, stick with Dexerto… And good luck on your hunt!

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