Go Fest challenge leaves dozens of Pokemon Go players “stuck”

A screenshot from the Pokemon anime shows the creature CrabrawlerThe Pokemon Company

During a week of incredible Shiny catches and daunting boss battles, some Pokemon Go players have revealed their biggest challenge from Pokemon Go Fest Global 2024, and it might not be what you think.

This year’s version of Go Fest Global saw Pokemon like Necrozma and Marshadow descend into the popular mobile game. While they both featured some daunting tasks, it’s the smaller Pokemon that seemed to have caused the biggest problem.

Players discussed Pokemon Go Fest Global in a Reddit post, and it turns out that the Pokemon Emolga has been tripping up dozens of Trainers after a new Special Research task debuted.

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In the post, the author explained, “Stupidly thought that selecting a path just meant emolgas as a reward… Had no idea it would just make this rare(r) spawn a criteria for completion.”

A new Special Research called “The Dawn of a New Discovery” became available as part of Pokemon Go Fest Global, and it asked players to collect one specific Pokemon, giving them a choice between Ducklett, Crabrawler, and Emolga.

This was fine during the event, when spawns for all three of those Pokemon were boosted, but now after the fact, many players are voicing that they are going to struggle severely to find an Emolga in the wild, as the Pokemon is a rare spawn in Pokemon Go.

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As well as the author’s experience, other comments back up this issue, with one person saying, “I chose this path and now it’s going to be unfulfilled for a long time. I chose this expecting to get an Emolga too, because I still don’t have a good one.”

In fact, this isn’t the only collection challenge causing problems for players, with one person adding, “You and me both brothers! But I’m even more stupid. I still have the Cyndaquil challenge pending from 2 weeks ago.”

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“Eyyy, I’m at 3/7 Emolga and 6/15 Cyndaquil. Glad to at least be able to commiserate 😟. Totally sucks” added one comment.

Still, they didn’t even have the worst of it, with a separate person lamenting, “I’ve got 2/15 Porygons from like 2 years ago.”

These collection challenges can be a huge pain, but if you want some help clearing yours, be sure to check out all of the upcoming Pokemon Go events, as well as celebrations that give plenty of opportunities to catch those Pocket Monsters such as Pokemon Go Community Day.

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