Every Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap & where to find them

Screenshot of New Pokemon snap promotional.The Pokemon Company / Bandai Namco

After two decades, Game Freak has returned to Pokemon Snap with all new adventure. Here is every single ‘mon in the photography game.

Pokemon fans around the world rejoiced when a new Snap title was surprisingly announced for the Nintendo Switch. The quirky photography game had been dormant since its debut on the Nintendo 64 in 1999.

The new installment has over 200 monsters to snapshot and log in your Photodex while researching the Illumina phenomenon for Professor Mirror, so players will be busy for hours.

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Screenshot of New Pokemon Snap protagonist and Meganium.The Pokemon Company
Players take photographs of their favorite Pokemon in New Snap.

Every Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap

In New Pokemon Snap, players get to explore the Lental region for the very first time. As the protagonist, fans trek across several locations to photograph their favorite ‘mon in their natural habitat.

As mentioned above, you’ll be taken under the wing of Professor Mirror and his assistant Rita as you travel through different islands with your camera. From a vast desert to a vibrant tropical getaway, the Nintendo Switch title brings Game Freak’s beloved property to life like never seen before.

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Screenshot of New Pokemon Snap Aipom Dex entry.The Pokemon Company
Pokemon fans fill up a compendium in New Snap.

Florio Island

Name & Photodex # Type Pokemon
#001: Vivillon Bug / Flying new pokemon snap
#002: Pichu Electric new pokemon snap
#003: Grookey Grass new pokemon snap
#004: Scorbunny Fire new pokemon snap
#005: Bouffalant Normal new pokemon snap
#006: Pidgeot Normal / Flying new pokemon snap
#007: Tangrowth Grass new pokemon snap
#008: Emolga Electric / Flying new pokemon snap
#009: Wurmple Bug new pokemon snap
#010: Murkrow Dark / Flying new pokemon snap
#011: Caterpie Bug new pokemon snap
#012: Heracross Bug / Fighting new pokemon snap
#013: Pinsir Bug new pokemon snap
#014: Dodrio Normal / Flying new pokemon snap
#015: Ducklett Water / Flying new pokemon snap
#016: Swanna Water / Flying new pokemon snap
#017: Bidoof Normal new pokemon snap
#018: Taillow Normal / Flying new pokemon snap
#019: Torterra Grass / Ground new pokemon snap
#20: Magikarp Water new pokemon snap
#021: Hoothoot Normal / Flying new pokemon snap
#022: Comfey Fairy new pokemon snap
#023: Florges Fairy new pokemon snap
#024: Combee Bug / Flying new pokemon snap
#025: Vespiquen Bug / Flying new pokemon snap
#026: Sylveon Fairy new pokemon snap
#027: Shaymin Grass
#028: Meganium Grass new pokemon snap
#029: Eevee Normal new pokemon snap
#030: Pikachu Electric new pokemon snap
#031: Cutiefly Bug / Fairy new pokemon snap
#032: Bunnelby Normal new pokemon snap
#033: Stoutland Normal new pokemon snap
#034: Starly Normal / Flying new pokemon snap
#035: Meowth Normal new pokemon snap
#036: Audino Normal new pokemon snap
#037: Rattata Normal Rattata new pokemon snap
#038: Trubbish Poison new pokemon snap
#039: Sudowoodo Rock new pokemon snap
#040: Dedenne Electric / Fairy new pokemon snap

Belusylva Island

Name & Photodex # Type Pokemon
#020: Magikarp Water new pokemon snap
#041: Aipom Normal new pokemon snap
#042: Bounsweet Grass new pokemon snap
#043: Metapod Bug new pokemon snap
#044: Beautifly Bug / Flying new pokemon snap
#045: Arbok Poison new pokemon snap
#046: Yanmega Bug / Flying new pokemon snap
#047: Pikipek Normal / Flying new pokemon snap
#048: Toucannon Normal / Flying new pokemon snap
#049: Ariados Bug / Poison new pokemon snap
#050: Morelull Grass / Fairy new pokemon snap
#051: Slaking Normal new pokemon snap
#052: Venusaur Grass / Poison venusaur new pokemon snap
#053: Liepard Dark new pokemon snap
#054: Wooper Water / Ground new pokemon snap
#055: Quagsire Water / Ground new pokemon snap
#056: Swampert Water / Ground new pokemon snap
#057: Ledian Bug / Flying new pokemon snap
#058: Sobble Water new pokemon snap
#059: Leafeon Grass new pokemon snap
#060: Mew Psychic Mew
#061: Trevenant Ghost / Grass new pokemon snap
#062: Espurr Psychic new pokemon snap
#063: Shiftry Grass / Dark new pokemon snap
#064: Kecleon Normal new pokemon snap
#065: Deerling Normal / Grass new pokemon snap
#066: Sawsbuck Normal / Grass new pokemon snap
#067: Unfezant Normal / Flying new pokemon snap
#068: Drampa Normal / Dragon Drampa
#069: Pancham Fighting new pokemon snap
#070: Bulbasaur Grass / Poison bulbasaur new pokemon snap
#071: Serperior Grass Serperior new pokemon snap
#072: Applin Grass / Dragon new pokemon snap
#073: Bewear Normal / Fighting new pokemon snap
#075: Ninetales Fire Ninetales
#076: Lotad Water / Grass new pokemon snap
#077: Espeon Psychic new pokemon snap
#078: Celebi Psychic / Grass new pokemon snap
#079: Milotic Water Milotic new pokemon snap

Maricopia Island

Name & Photodex # Type Pokemon
#001: Vivillon Bug / Flying new pokemon snap
#020: Magikarp Water new pokemon snap
#030: Pikachu Electric new pokemon snap
#080: Wingull Water / Flying new pokemon snap
#081: Exeggutor Grass / Psychic new pokemon snap
#082: Crabrawler Fighting new pokemon snap
#083: Drifblim Ghost / Flying new pokemon snap
#084: Zangoose Normal new pokemon snap
#085: Seviper Poison new pokemon snap
#086: Bellossom Grass new pokemon snap
#087: Inkay Dark / Psychic new pokemon snap
#088: Pyukumuku Water new pokemon snap
#089: Machamp Fighting new pokemon snap
#090: Stunfisk Ground / Electric new pokemon snap
#091: Octillery Water new pokemon snap
#092: Corsola Water / Rock new pokemon snap
#093: Finneon Water new pokemon snap
#094: Clamperl Water new pokemon snap
#095: Primarina Water / Fairy new pokemon snap
#096: Alolan Raichu Electric / Psychic new pokemon snap
#097: Sandygast Ghost / Ground new pokemon snap
#098: Sharpedo Water / Dark new pokemon snap
#099: Squirtle Water new pokemon snap
#100: Blastoise Water
#101: Lapras Water / Ice new pokemon snap
#102: Mantine Water / Flying new pokemon snap
#103: Pelipper Water / Flying new pokemon snap
#104: Wailord Water new pokemon snap
#105: Mareanie Poison / Water new pokemon snap
#106: Vaporeon Water new pokemon snap
#108: Luvdisc Water new pokemon snap
#109: Alomomola Water new pokemon snap
#110: Wailmer Water new pokemon snap
#111: Cradily Rock / Grass new pokemon snap
#112: Lumineon Water new pokemon snap
#113: Qwilfish Water / Poison new pokemon snap
#114: Clawitzer Water new pokemon snap
#115: Tentacruel Water / Poison new pokemon snap
#116: Chinchou Water / Electric new pokemon snap
#117: Lanturn Water / Electric new pokemon snap
#118: Starmie Water / Psychic new pokemon snap
#119: Frillish Water / Ghost new pokemon snap
#120: Golisopod Bug / Water new pokemon snap
#121: Lugia Psychic / Flying new pokemon snap
#122: Wishiwashi (Solo Form) Water Wishiwashi

Voluca Island

Name & Photodex # Type Pokemon
#001: Vivillon Bug / Flying new pokemon snap
#004: Scorbunny Fire new pokemon snap
#013: Pinsir Bug new pokemon snap
#123: Skorupi Poison / Bug new pokemon snap
#124: Cacnea Grass new pokemon snap
#125: Sandshrew Ground new pokemon snap
#126: Trapinch Ground new pokemon snap
#127: Flygon Ground / Dragon new pokemon snap
#128: Kangaskhan Normal new pokemon snap
#129: Mandibuzz Dark / Flying new pokemon snap
#130: Minior Rock / Flying new pokemon snap
#131: Silicobra Ground Silicobra
#132: Torchic Fire new pokemon snap
#133: Heliolisk Electric / Normal new pokemon snap
#134: Lycanroc Rock new pokemon snap
#135: Hippowdon Ground new pokemon snap
#136: Tyranitar Rock / Dark new pokemon snap
#137: Onix Rock / Ground new pokemon snap
#138: Altaria Dragon / Flying Altaria
#139: Shinx Electric Shinx new pokemon snap
#140: Luxray Electric Luxray new pokemon snap
#141: Talonflame Fire / Flying Talonflame
#142: Monferno Fire / Fighting Monferno
#143: Aerodactyl Rock / Flying Aerodactyl
#144: Tyrantrum Rock / Dragon Tyrantrum
#145: Graveler Rock / Ground Graveler
#146: Archeops Rock / Flying Archeops new pokemon snap
#147: Slugma Fire Slugma new pokemon snap
#148: Torkoal Fire Torkoal new pokemon snap
#149: Charmander Fire charmander new pokemon snap
#151: Typhlosion Fire Charizard new pokemon snap
#152: Flareon Fire Flareon new pokemon snap
#153: Ho-Oh Fire / Flying Ho-Oh new pokemon snap
#154: Volcarona Bug / Fire Volcarona

Durice Island

Name & Photodex # Type Pokemon
#001: Vivillon Bug / Flying new pokemon snap
#155: Furret Normal Furret
#156: Cubchoo Ice Cubchoo
#157: Beartic Ice Beartic
#158: Mightyena Dark Mightyena
#159: Weavile Dark / Ice Weavile new pokemon snap
#160: Braviary Normal / Flying Braviary
#161: Swinub Ice / Ground Swinub
#162: Mamoswine Ice / Ground Mamoswine
#163: Skarmory Steel / Flying Skarmory
#164: Alolan Sandslash Ice / Steel Sandslash
#165: Abomasnow Grass / Ice Abomasnow new pokemon snap
#166: Alolan Vulpix Ice Vulpix
#167: Delibird Ice / Flying Delibird
#168: Snom Ice / Bug Snom
#169: Frosmoth Ice / Bug Frosmoth
#171: Snorunt Ice Snorunt new pokemon snap
#172: Glalie Ice Glalie new pokemon snap
#174: Jynx Ice / Psychic Jynx
#175: Spheal Ice / Water Spheal new pokemon snap
#176: Piplup Water Piplup
#177: Vanilluxe Ice Vanilluxe new pokemon snap
#183: Crobat Poison / Flying Crobat
#184: Joltik Bug / Electric Joltik new pokemon snap
#185: Geodude Rock / Ground Geodude new pokemon snap
#186: Carbink Rock / Fairy Carbink
#187: Gengar Ghost / Poison new pokemon snap
#188: Noibat Flying / Dragon Noibat
#189: Pumpkaboo Ghost / Grass Pumpkaboo
#190: Croagunk Poison / Fighting new pokemon snap
#191: Drifloon Ghost / Flying Drifloon
#192: Clefairy Fairy Clefairy
#193: Sableye Dark / Ghost Sableye
#194: Rampardos Rock Rampardos
#195: Hydreigon Dark / Dragon Hydreigon
#197: Mawile Steel / Fairy Mawile
#200: Steelix Steel / Ground Steelix new pokemon snap

Aurus Island

Name & Photodex # Type Pokemon
#201: Houndoom Dark / Fire Houndoom
#202: Eldegoss Grass Eldegoss
#203: Natu Psychic / Flying Natu
#204: Absol Dark Absol new pokemon snap
#205: Salandit Poison / Fire Salandit
#206: Noivern Flying / Dragon Noivern
#207: Woobat Psychic / Flying Woobat new pokemon snap
#208: Sigilyph Psychic / Flying new pokemon snap
#209: Beheeyem Psychic Beheeyem
#210: Golurk Ground / Ghost Golurk
#211: Chandelure Ghost / Fire Chandelure
#212: Umbreon Dark Umbreon new pokemon snap
#213: Jirachi Steel / Psychic Jirachi new pokemon snap
#214: Xerneas Fairy Xerneas

Interestingly, the original Nintendo 64 title only had 63 creatures that could be photographed, making the 2021 sequel look staggering in comparison. In an April interview, director Haruki Suzaki revealed why it took 22 years for Game Freak to make another entry into the series which you can check out here.

One thing is for certain, New Snap seems to be representing all eight generations and regions rather generously.

H/T: Serebii